Chapter 39

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May I present....

Ellie Fanning as Annabelle Grayle

Ellie Fanning as Annabelle Grayle

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"Well don't just stand there, come in already." He ushered while waving his hands around, we all gave each other a wary look before walking inside, uncle Harry shut the door behind us.

"So, which is which?" He asked while looking between me and Bella. I've not seen him since I was 1 years old, so I don't remember what he looks like.

"I'll Ella." I mumbled.

"Ahhh, Ella." He smiled while patting my shoulder with force. "And that's makes you Bella."

"Yes." Bella muttered as he patted her shoulder.

"And who are you?" He turned to Draco.

"Draco Malfoy."

He grabbed his hand and began to shake it. "Malfoy eh?"


"Hmmm." He squinted his eyes at him and let go of his hand.

"Ah, look who's arrived." Someone chimed from the doorway leading into the dining room. Bellatrix.

Her curly black hair bounced as she came skipping over to us while cackle laughing. "It's so good to see you all again." She gasped when she locked eyes with Draco. "Draco darling, come give aunt Bella a hug!"

He awkwardly stepped forwards and she engulfed him in a hug. Her face was dirty, her teeth even worse. If she left her hair any longer without brushing through it then it was bound to turn into dreadlocks.

"And you two must be Harlands daughters." She showed us her yellow rotting teeth as she let go of Draco and came over to us, walking around the two of us slowly. Her wand went up to my neck, which made me freeze. She began trailing it upwards and untucked the hair that was behind my ears. He grabbed a piece of it and shoved it to her nose, smelling the sent of green apples -curtesy of Draco's shampoo.

She then moved onto Bella, getting right in her face then backing away slightly. She stepped close to her while barking like a dog, making Bella flinch, that made Bellatrix begin to cackle laugh once again.

"Bellatrix, stop messing with my nieces." Harry rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Just seeing how much potential they have."

"They have plenty, trust me."

Potential for what?

They both walked off in the direction of the dining hall, which meant we had to follow. As soon as they were out of sight, I let out a breath I didn't know I held in.

"Fucking hell they are crazy." Bella muttered, which made me chuckle. I looked over at Draco, who looked incredibly nervous, he was playing with his ring. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly as we walked through the doors hand in hand, completely forgetting that our families had no idea about us.

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