Chapter 24

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Sexual scenes, viewer discretion is advised.


The next day, I went into potions class feeling so tired. I've been trying to avoid both Draco and George, simply because I actually like George and I don't want to stop seeing him, but I also kind of still like Draco -even though he's a total asshole- but he's really fucking good in bed.

I sat down in my usual spot besides Draco, who was smirking while staring at me.

"Today you will be doing a mock exam, you will have 45 minutes to do it, you must answer all questions to the best of your ability." Snape announced. "There will be no talking, if you are caught talking or cheating, your paper will be ripped up and you will fail. Your time"

I flipped open the page and began to do the work. I was really not in the mood for a test, my brain just wasn't working properly today.

I knew the answers, it was a pretty easy test so I finished early. I lay my head on my desk and drifted off to sleep.

Delirious moans escaped my lips as Draco sucked on my skin. His hard muscles above me.

"P-please." I begged.

"Please what?" He asked while looking up at me.

"Please daddy."

"Good girl." He muttered while sitting us both up. He took off his belt and wrapped it around my wrists then connected it to the bed frame. "Now, you're going to be a good little slut aren't you?"

"Yes." I breathed as he began drawing circles on my clit, making me squirm.

I sat up and looked around the room while panting. Some people looked over at me with furrowed eyebrows, but then continued to do their work.

I'm in potions, not there with Draco.

I looked over to see him smirking at me. "Have a nice dream, Princess?" He whispered to me.

Shit, he used legilimency on me....Two can play at that game, just you wait Malfoy.

I felt his cold hand rest on my thigh. "Maybe we can make that dream reality?"

"Or maybe you should stay out of my mind."

"Hmm, where's the fun in that?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved his hand off me. After potions, we had divination. Draco always day dreams in this class, he never pays attention.

I walked in and sat in my usual seat by Bella. "Hey." She smiled as I took my seat. "Why do you look so tired?"

"You keep snoring and sleep talking, it's really annoying."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine." I yawned.

"Today, we will be reading the mind!" Trelawney boomed while moving her hands around dramatically.

"She's so crazy." Bella whispered to me, which made me chuckle.

We listened to her bullshit speech for about 10 minutes, but I noticed the boy a couple of seats away from me daydreaming. I'm going to get you back, dickhead.

I used legilimency, because our mother taught us the arts of legilimecy and occlumency a couple of years ago.

Draco was walking around the school, when I dragged him into an empty classroom. I crashed my lips into his, my arms wrapping around his neck. He picked me up and took me over to a table, he spread my legs and placed himself in between them as he pressed his erection onto my heat through his pants.

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