Chapter 27

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Sexual scenes, viewer discretion is advised.


I was stood outside the Gryffindor common room entrance waiting for George.

I began to fiddle with my fingers as I waited, the fat lady on the painting was trying to show me her singing skills, but they weren't that good.

The door opened, and Fred came out.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." He smiled back as he handed me a black hoodie "Put this on and put the hood up."

I nodded and did as instructed, I quickly put up the hood. "Follow me and keep your head down, don't talk to anyone, okay?"


I reluctantly followed him into the room, it was bustling with students, all of them in their own conversations. We sped waked up the stairs and into the boys dorms, we stopped outside a door.

"Consider yourself lucky, Ella." Fred told me as he took down my hood for me. "I said I'd sleep in the common room so you could have some privacy."

"Thank you Fred." I smiled, he smiled back then walked away.

I took a big sigh as I knocked on the door, George answered in his usual attire. His bedroom had candles lit all around it to set the mood, it looked beautiful. The yellow from the flame contrasted really well with the red drapes.

He closed the door behind me then pulled me into a kiss. He picked me up bridal style -which made me giggle- and he put me back down on the bed. He climbed over me and I wrapped my legs around his torso as his lips met mine once more.

After a while, he pulled away and just stared at me. "You look beautiful tonight." He told me, which made me blush.

"You're looking very handsome yourself." I told him, which made him chuckle. I pulled him back into the kiss, and we deepened it.

He pulled the covers over us as I took off his top for him. His lips went down to my neck as he sucked on it, leaving marks and sloppy kisses.

He pulled out his wand and mumbled the locking and silencing charm before putting the wand on the side and turning us over to I was on top. I quickly took off my top and unclipped my bra. His hands immediately went to them as he began to mess around with my breasts, his fingers messing with the sensitive buds.

I leant down to kiss his once again, I began to kiss his neck then trailed them down to his torso. I quickly took off his pants and his boxers, making his erection pop out at me. I began to thrust it slowly then licked the precum off as I made eye contact with him.

"Fuck." He breathed.

I began to bob my head slowly, then I picked up my pace as I began mess with his balls.

"Fuck Ella." He groaned as I picked up the pace. I took as much as possible in my mouth and thrusted the rest with my hand.

"Ella." He moaned as his head tilted back. I began to go quicker and deeper, he held my hair out of my face to help me as I became very sloppy.

"Ella, I-I'm going to..." he didn't finish his sentence before he came in my mouth and I swallowed it. Wow, he didn't last very long. Draco takes ages to- stop thinking about him Ella!

I came back up and began to kiss him passionately, his hands went down to my jeans as he unbuttoned them and began to pull them over my arse along with my knickers. I pulled away so I could take them off, George watched me intently as I did so. I climbed back on top as I pulled him back onto my lips, I grabbed his dick and got it in line with my entrance then slowly sat on it.

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