Chapter 13

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I waited in my room until it was time for my detention, I only had a couple days left of it, thank Merlin.

I sat down in my usual seat and waited for Draco to come in. I pulled out some work to just get on with and not long after, he walked in.

"Please take a seat Mr Malfoy."

He nodded at the Professor and sat in his seat.

"Now, I hope you two can work together for the assignment, but if you still feel it is best to switch places then after your assignment is done and has been presented, you may switch partners."

Yes, thank Merlin.

"For now, you will work together in class and outside of class to get it done to the best standards. You two are my best students, so I'm expecting good things."

"Yes Professor." We said in unison.

After that, there was silence between the three of us. I just kept my head down and did the rest of my DADA homework.

Once an hour had passed, we were dismissed. I packed away my things and walked out the class.

"Mayler!" Draco called, I stopped in my tracks and turned to him, once he was by my side we began walking towards the common room. "Are you still coming to my dorm?"

"Yeah, I need to grab a few things from my room but I'll meet you there."

He nodded then we walked in silence. We parted ways as I went to the girls dorms and he went to the boys dorms.

I packed a bag full of the material I needed for the assignment, and things I've already done. I grabbed the potion I had finished, the strengthening potion, then packed some medical things because his hand still wasn't fixed. I wonder why he didn't go to Madame Pomfrey?

Once I was ready, I made my way to his dorm. I knocked on the door and he answered wearing some grey joggers and a simple white T-shirt. His muscles were on show because it was short sleeved, and those joggers really did him wonders.

"Like the view?" He asked smugly, to which I just scoffed and walked in. I was still in my uniform, though I didn't have my robe on.

I looked around the room, it was much bigger than mine. He had a king sized bed in the middle of the room, two grand windows at either side of it. He had a black leather sofa at one side of the room and a door at the other side which most likely lead to his bathroom. The room was mainly black, black walls, black furniture, black floor. His bedding was silky and emerald green. His bed, I can just imagine how many girls he's had in there. Ew.

I went to sit on the sofa, but stopped. He's probably shagged girls on here as well.

I rolled my eyes and opted for the floor.

"What are you doing?" He asked. "Why are you on the floor."

"I'm not sitting on that bed when it's still got dirty sex sheets on."

He scoffed while sitting on his bed. "Calm down Mayler, they've been washed. It's fresh bedding."

"When were they put on?"

"This morning."

"And you haven't had a girl in there yet?"

"I can't." He held up his hand, the one in the bandage. "It's hard to perform with one hand."

"Oh how lovely." I said sarcastically as I stood up and sat on the bed. "So, what exactly did you do to your hand? You never explained, you just said I made you do it."

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