Chapter 74

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A couple of days had passed, today was Slughorn's Christmas party. I had stopped with Draco so Bella didn't wake me up the way she did a couple of days ago, but I'm meeting her later.

I jumped in the shower and then dried myself off. Draco went in after me because he woke up a little later.

I sat down on the bed, Milo curled up beside me. I was using one hand use a towel to dry my hair as the other stroked the small pet besides me.

The door to the bathroom swung open, revealing Draco fully nude with a towel around his shoulders. My eyes widened at the sight, taking in his body.

He wasn't as muscular as he was last year, which is because he doesn't eat as much and because he doesn't play quidditch anymore, but he still has a very built body. Let's not forget about the one part of him I mainly looked at, which I have felt inside of me a lot. Sorry, not sorry.

"Like the view?" He smirked, looking me up and down.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Could be better."

"Excuse me." He raised his eyebrows and stormed over to me, placing himself in between my legs as his hands cupped my cheeks. "You better watch that mouth, I might need to punish you."

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. "We all know you've gone too soft to punish me." I whispered, goosebumps formed on his neck, which I could feel.

"Oh yeah?" He challenged.


He smirked at me, his breathing becoming heavier, as he pulled me into a kiss. It was very passionate, very lustful. The way his tongue moved against mine made butterflies form in my stomach, it worked in sync with mine. The fire ignited in my body, making me hot. My brain screaming that I love this boy. And I do. I love him with my whole being. I never thought he'd be this gentle, loving and kind hearted person. When I first met him, he was horrible. Scheming. Bully. Now, he's a change man. Many people in relationships are scared of their partners cheating on them, but not me.
I know he wouldn't do that to me, hell he can't even go a full day without wanting to see me, never mind touching another girl. I'm his, and he's mine.

I felt something grow hard on my thigh, making me chuckle into the kiss. It deepened further, Draco pushed me back so I was lying down , him now towering over me.

"Ella!" I heard Bella from behind the door. She began to knock viciously onto it, obviously eager to see me.

Draco huffed in annoyance and got up, still completely naked, and opened the door wide.

"Ella hurry-" she stopped her sentence, her eyes going wide as she looked down at him.

"What do you want, we're in the middle of something?" He asked rudely. I quickly got up and pushed him out of the way.

"Go put some clothes on you weirdo." I chuckled, going red in embarrassment. He rolled his eyes and grabbed some clothing then went into the bathroom. "Sorry about that, he's just had a shower, that's why he was naked."

"You don't need to pretend that you weren't about to have sex Ella, it's a very normal thing for people in a relationship to have." She smirked at me. "And Merlin, no wonder you two do it like rabbits. I would fall in love with him if I had that inside me each night. Fuck me it was big."

"Bella!" I hit her shoulder, making her chuckle. "Just because your single doesn't mean you can go around saying things like that about my boyfriend."

She rolled her eyes, a smirk still on her lips. "Get changed, I'm hungry."

"Fine." I sighed. "Come in if you want."

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