Chapter 5

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The last couple of days have been...eventful. Detention had lead to so many arguments with Draco, some day I will punch him in his stupid smug face.

It was now Friday, I was waiting in the common room until it was time for Snape's detention, I wasn't hungry so I skipped dinner.

I was reading a book, a very good book at that, but I soon finished it. I huffed and sat up, then ventured to the library.

I began walking around the castle, still not accustomed to where everything was. I was completely lost, I had no clue where I was heading.

As I walked along the deserted corridors alone, I heard the faint sound of talking. I got closer and closer, when I turned the corner I was met with two ginger haired boys. They were the ones who Wolf whistled at me and Bella on our first day.

They both looked at me, a smirk playing on their lips.

"You don't happen to know where the library is, do you?" I asked innocently.

"As it happens, we do." One said.

"We'll walk you there." The other added.

We all began to walk in a certain direction, me being in the middle. "So, you're one of the new girls, aren't you?"

"I am, yes."

"And you have a twin?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Well, isn't that ironic."

"Yeah." I smiled. "I'm Ella Mayler."

"I'm George Weasley." The one to my right said.

"And I'm Fred Weasley." The one to my left said.

"You don't seem like you should be in Slytherin." George told me. You should see me angry.

"Well, maybe the hat got it wrong." I shrugged.

"It would be better if you were in Gryffindor, maybe then we could hang out more."

"Who says we can't?" I asked. "I'll introduce my sister to you both sometime."

"That sounds good, Mayler." Fred smirked.

"And this is the library." George informed me as I opened up the two grand doors.

"Thanks boys, I'll see you around."

"Definitely." They both nodded and watched as I walked away.

I began going on a search for a new book, and eventually I found the fiction section. I found the perfect new book, one I've never read before.

"Ella?" Someone asked from behind me, I turned to be met with Jasmine.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked as she came closer to me.

"Yeah, just catching up on some work." She told me, but I could tell use was lying. Her hair was a little bit of a mess, her lipstick was smudged and she was out of breath.

Jasmine has been nice to me lately, she
seems like a genuine nice person. Which seems to be hard to find in Slytherin.

I watched as a boy, who I had recently learnt was called Miles Bletchley, walked past but stopped when his eyes met with Jazzes. His hair was also a mess and he was tucking his shirt into his pants. He winked at her, and she went completely red.

Once he had gone again, I gasped while nudging her. "You definitely just had sex in the libraby."

"Shhh." She shushed me. "Keep your voice down, I don't want anyone to know."

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