Chapter 91

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It had been months....months...since the wedding, since Draco and I got engaged, yet he still grins widely and calls me his 'fiancé' every five minutes out of pure happiness.

Life has been a little...ropey...lately, given that there's a war and all, but we're getting through it okay. I've been called in quite a few times to help cure some death eaters after a few battles, I just hope the other side weren't as bad.

The dark Lord was loosing, that was obvious, and it only made him angrier. Luckily he didn't take the anger out on anyone I loved, so we were okay.

Me and Draco were just trying to live in the moment, spent our time together, rather than dwell on the war. We didn't want to get involved.

"Draco?" I called, my voice raspy as I sat up in bed, realising Draco's absence. Milo had disappeared as well, which confused me, Milo always loves to have a lie in.

The smell of food woke me up a little more, indulging in the scent. I got out of bed and slipped into one of Draco's tops, which was oversized on me, and put on some knickers.

Last night was...eventful. Draco has really been going to town on me lately, ever since we moved to be honest. His sex game had gotten so much better, but I was constantly tired.

My legs were shaky as they carefully moved down the stairs, following the smell of pancakes and chocolate.

It was spring, meaning the sun shone brightly through the windows, the birds sang beautifully and the smell of grass enticed me. It was so picturesque.

I walked into the kitchen to find Draco cooking on the stove, his back to me. He had no top on, only some grey shorts which looked ravishing on him. The radio was playing quietly, which Draco hummed along to, Milo sat on the counter besides him —watching him in excitement.

"Morning." I yawned, earning the blonde's attention. He turned around with a grin on his face.

"Good morning my beautiful fiancé." He chirped and walked over to me, placing a kiss onto my forehead as I sat on the chair by the counter.

"What are you cooking?" I asked, still feeling half asleep.

"Pancakes, I was going to bring it up to you so we can eat in bed." He told me and kept cooking, adding onto the growing pile of food.

"Why is Milo on the counter? He'll burn himself if he gets too close, you know what he's like, and his fur will go everywhere."

"Clam down, I'll clean it up. And he's nowhere near the stove. He's just excited I've got some bacon cooking for him."

"You're making him bacon?" I asked.

"Yes. He's been a good boy so I thought I'd give him a treat."

"A good boy?"

"Yes. Don't make it weird." Draco chuckled as he side-eyed me.

"You're weird." I stuck my tongue out, folding my arms over my chest. The blonde chuckled in amusement, shaking his head a little, and carried on cooking.

"So....what are we doing today?" I asked as we both sat down at the table, a stack of pancakes in the middle of us. Draco had set the plate of bacon on the floor for Milo, which was devoured in seconds.

"I was thinking of going for a walk." Draco shrugged. "Maybe we can go and see how Bella and Theo are doing?"

"That sounds good to me." I nodded in agreement. Bella was now 9 months pregnant and due any day now. Her stomach was huge, it was quite scary actually, seeing as I knew that I would look the same when I have children.

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