Chapter 73

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"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" Each word I got hit in the face with a pillow by no other than my second half.

"No." I groaned and rolled over.

"Fine." I heard her sigh, I smiled to myself in relief that she'd given up. But sadly I had spoken too soon.

Bella muttered a spell, making water pour all over me. I sat up at the alarming coldness that shot through me, gasping for air.

"BELLA IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU." I screamed and leaped out of bed, lunging at my twin sister. She giggled and ran away as I chased her.

I used a spell to make her shoes laces tie together and she fell to the floor. I immediately sat on top of her, straddling her -on her stomach- and pinned her arms at the side of her head so she couldn't move. Droplets of water fell onto her face, making her squint her eyes.

"Rictusempra." I announced, making Bella squirm and giggle. I got off her, watching as the tickling charm did it's work.

"S-stop!" She called, rolling around on the floor. "Ella! Please....stop it!"

I rolled my eyes, taking off the incantation, she stopped moving, letting out a sigh. "What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sorry...mum." She mumbled. I pointed my wand at her again, making her eyes go wide. "No no! I'm sorry, I'm joking!"

I smirked and put my wand down, she stood up and playfully glared at me. It was dark in the room, which I had only just realised, the only light came from candles that hovered just above our heads.

"What time is it?"

"5:30 am." Bella shrugged, sorting out her top. She was fully dressed, looking like she was ready to go for some food or go on a wonder around the castle. Breakfast doesn't start until 7.

"Why did you wake me up?" I asked in annoyance, shivering as the cold night air hit my skin.

"Because we need to get down to Hogsmeade."

"Are you mad?! Nothing will be open."

"Yes, but we need to get there early so we can get the best dresses."

"It's Slughorn's dinner party, not a ball with the queen Bella. Not loads of people are going, it's invite only."

"Yes, but this dress shop is one that loads of people go to. They run out of dresses within a day! We need to get there early so we can get the best dress."

She over exaggerates everything. It's so annoying. Honestly, I don't know how I put up with her sometimes.

"I cannot be bothered Bella, give me time to eat and get out of my soaking wet clothes please. I need time to wake up."

"Go on, get ready then!"

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom, jumping into the shower. It was steaming hot, making my ice cold skin tingle.

I had stopped in my actual dorm last night after Bella begged me, saying she wanted some time with her twin. Also, we were going to get dresses for this stupid party. It was formal, and the dresses we have in our wardrobes are not formal. Merlin, they're far from formal. So mother sent us money over so we could get some dresses, she didn't have time to get us one made. Although apparently we're getting ones professionally made for that stupid death eater Christmas ball.

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