Chapter 17

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The next couple of days passed by pretty quickly, it was now Saturday. I keep getting butterflies in my stomach every time I think about going to do the assignment with Malfoy, and it's really annoying.

I keep catching him staring at me all the time, and then he'll run off with some random girl. It's quite annoying actually.

Bella and Theo have both pointed out to me that he flirts with me all the time, and apparently I do it back but I keep insisting that we don't.

I met George quite a few times in the library, and we've done quite a lot in there, and all around the castle really. Random classrooms, library, bathrooms, it's been quite fun actually. He's given me this cream for removing bruises, he likes to give me love bites so I can hide them easily with the cream him and his brother invented.

Right now, I was sat in the common room. I lad my head on Bella's lap as she stroked my hair, I was laying across the sofa as she did so.

"So, when does the sheet come out?" I asked. Today, the sheet with the new quidditch team written on it comes out today.

"Any time now." Theo replied. We were sat with Blaise, Theo and Draco. Them on one sofa and us on another.

"I don't know why he's left it so late, we have a game against Hufflepuff in a couple of weeks." Draco muttered.

"Exactly, it's against Hufflepuff." Theo chuckled. "We'd win if the team was decided that day."

"You're not wrong." He agreed.

Adrian Paucey came out with the sheet and pinned it against the wall. All three boys stood up and raced over, along with many other people who tried out.

Draco came back first with a chuffed smile on his lips, he lifted up my legs and sat down, placing my legs on his thighs.

"So?" I asked as I lifted my head up.

He scoffed. "Obviously I got seeker."

"Well done."

"Thanks, Mayler." He smirked.

"What about you guys?" Bella asked as the other two came and sat down.

"We both got chasers."

"Well done."


I watched as Crabbe and Goyle high fived then came over and sat on two separate love seats. "We got beaters."

No surprise there, they were good when we watched try outs.

"Well done lads." Adrian walked over and sat down beside Draco. "You all deserved it."

"Yeah." Me and Bella nodded in agreement.

"I reckon it calls for a celebration."

"What kind of celebration?"

"A party in my room." Draco announced. "Only Quidditch players allowed."

I kicked him lightly. "And a plus one." He rolled his eyes which made me smile.

"I'll let everyone know." Adrian nodded as he got up and began walking around to tell others.

"Can I bring Luna as well?" Bella asked.

"You two are already invited, so yeah she's your plus one." He mumbled.

"Thanks." She smiled.

A party, what would I wear?

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