Chapter 43

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Sexual scenes, viewer discretion is advised.


The next week went by quickly, a little too quickly for my liking. We don't have that long left until we return to school, and I'm enjoying myself too much here.

Draco kept his promise and has been fucking me in as many different places in many different ways all around the house, luckily we haven't gotten caught yet.

Right now, I was making breakfast for everyone. I told Dippy he could do whatever he wanted for the day so I could cook, I was making pancakes and waffles.

I had the radio on as I hummed along to the songs, but I felt two hands snake around my stomach and picked me up. I laughed and squealed knowing fully well it was Draco. When he put me down, he kissed my cheek and kept hugging me from behind.

"What are you cooking?" He asked.

"Pancakes and waffles."

"Sounds good, Princess."

He began kissing my neck, which felt amazing. His hands moved down to my arse as he picked me up and put me on the counter, his body between my legs.

"Draco, I'm trying to cook." I giggled as he kept kissing my neck, sucking on it.

"Hmmm." He hummed.

"Draco." I whispered while closing my eyes and tilting my head back.

"We've not had sex in the kitchen yet, I reckon we give it ago."

I nodded my head as our lips locked together, I wrapped my legs around his torso as his erection pushed onto my heat.

"Can you not have sex near the food?" I heard Theo say from behind us, making us pull away. Draco stepped away from me a little and Theo came into view, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Then again, I should of let you so I could watch then go upstairs and imagine it was me-"

"Theo!" I shouted while throwing a tea towel at him, which made him chuckle. Draco didn't find any of it funny, he really doesn't get Theo's humour.

"I'm kidding Draco." He came over and patted his back. "And anyway I'd be imagining I'm Ella not you."

We all burst out laughing, even Draco laughed I little bit then played it off as a cough.

"Leave me to cook." I ushered for them both to leave, Theo got some juice then left but Draco stayed with me, annoying me as much as possible.

"It's raining." He stated. I looked out the window to see the drizzle, which was getting worse by the second. This is the first time it's rained since we got here. It's still boiling though.

"So it is." I nodded.

"What can we do today if it's raining?"

"Stay inside." I suggested. "Play some games, drink, have sex-"

"I like the sound of the last one." He chimed. I said that as a joke, but okay.

"Well, maybe after breakfast."

"Okay." He came back over and kissed my cheek, hugging me from behind once more. "Can I help?"

"Yeah, go set the table."

He went away and did as I asked, I then plated up all the food and took it into the dining room. Everyone came down and we began to eat.

"Thanks Ella, it's amazing." Blaise mumbled with a load of food in his mouth.

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