Chapter 67

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It had been a few days since I attacked Matthew. He was awake, and he was PISSED that he lost his penis. I had a laughing fit when I went to see him. He blamed me, said it was all my fault even though he didn't remember anything. He just liked to blame me for it.

Many people were scared. They were scared they would be next, that the wolf would attack them next. So, right now we are attending an assembly about it.

I had gotten lots of hate. Everyone blaming me for it, but I knew it was coming. I was the girl who got attacked, so obviously their first instinct was to blame me. And they're not wrong.

I was holding Draco's hand tightly as we walked through the halls. The judgey looks followed me everywhere, it felt as if I had been put on trial for murder, everyone stops and stares.

"It was definitely her." Someone whispered. There was much more, a lot worse than that. I've been called a bitch, a monster, a freak, people say I should be expelled, others give me death threats. Lots of parents had written to Dumbledore about it, and they were all pissed.

Snape was angry at me, he kept saying I would blow all of our covers. But I won't.

"Are you alright?" Draco whispered as we took our seats. Murmurs came from the great hall, everyone glancing over at me, whispering to their friends. It felt horrible to be in the spotlight. To be the one everyone blamed. But I had to only endure it for a little longer.

"Yeah." I mumbled, keeping my head down. Everyone walked in and took their places, Dumbledore left it a few minutes until he stood up and asked for quiet.

"Now, I know that you are all concerned about the wolf that is roaming around the forbidden forest. However, might I inform you that Mr Derver specifically went into the woods on his own accord. The forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason such as this. There are much worse things in that forest that have been there far longer than any of us. The best way to keep your mind as ease is to not go near the forest. Hagrid and a few other staff members have set up a search party for the beast and will get rid of it, I know some of your parents are concerned. However, this is no threat. Not to anyone. Matthew Derver was only attacked because he went against the school rules and went into the forest. So, might I remind you not to go near it. Also, this is a wolf, I have heard the rumours that some students believe it is someone in this room. This is a lie, the wolf was seen by Hagrid when he found Mr Derver, so please stop with the rumours, the are unnecessary." He paused and looked around the room, glaring at some people. "Now, let us eat."

The feast appeared before us, but I wasn't hungry. Everything seemed to make me feel sick, looking at the piles of food made my stomach churn. A feeling of nausea overcoming me. So, I sat and drank some water instead. Draco had noticed, I've been doing it for a couple of weeks. I think it's to do with my  lycanthropy. It was strange.

"Ella, you need to eat." Draco whispered to me.

"I'm not hungry."

"Neither am I, but we still need to eat. Our bodies need it to survive."

I sighed and took a green apple. I cringed as I bit into it, chewing on the soft fruit as it slowly went down my oesophagus, the tube squeezing it into mush. I could hear it, feel it. It made me feel worse. Having my senses heightened meant I could hear the things in my body if I focused. The stomach acid helping to get rid of food, the enzymes breaking it down. It almost hurt to hear, like a screeching noise going off constantly in my mind. I took a couple more bites then set it down on my plate.

Another wave of nausea hit me, making the little amount of food in my system come back up my throat. I could feel it contracting.

"I need to go to the toilet." I mumbled before running out the room and to the nearest bathroom. As soon as I got there, I bent over a toilet and let myself be sick. My head throbbing as my throat opened up, a retching sound escaping my lips, nothing came up. Some flem could form in my mouth, which I would spit out, but that was all. No food except the small amount of apple and some water.

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