Chapter 9

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Sexual scenes, viewer discretion is advised.


After talking and flirting with Fred -or whatever his name was- for a while, I went back over to my friends because he wanted to go and find his brother.

Crabbe, Goyle, Theo, Blaise, Draco and Pansy -although I don't class her as one of my friends- were all sat on the sofas. Draco was smoking, Blaise was smoking a joint, Crabbe was chatting up a girl, Goyle was drinking, Theo was snorting something, and Pansy was all over Draco, she was trying to gain his attention but his eyes were glued to something else.

As I sat down in the only other seat not occupied, which was beside Pansy, Draco turned to me while putting out his cigarette. "Why's Mayler talking to the Weasley's and Potter?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked over at them all. "She told me George keeps talking to her so she said she'd meet him here."

Everyone's attention had gone to Ell, she was just watching the three boys chatter.

"Why are you so bothered anyway?" I asked.

"Because she's making friends with the Gryffindor's." He snapped his head to me.


"We hate Gryffindors, and they hate us. Especially Potter and the Weasley's."

"What's so bad about them?" I asked, which made Blaise snort.

"Don't get Malfoy going on Potter and Weasley, Potter has been his enemy since first year, ever since he declined his offer of being friends." Blaise cackled.

"No, it's because he's a prick." Draco spat out of spite.

"Better watch out, or you'll hit a nerve." Theo joked, which made us all laugh except Malfoy.

I giggled and turned my attention back to where my sister was, but she had had George and the other two. "Where did she go?" I asked.

Everyone then turned to where she once was and shrugged.



The kiss was passionate and lustful. There's just something about being drunk that makes me horny.

I was pressed up against the wall, George's body as close to mine as possible. His hands roamed around my back as he deepened the kiss, our tongues dancing together.

He pulled away and we both struggled to catch our breath. "Jump." He whispered, I jumped up and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around his torso, his hands on my arse as we locked lips once again. His lips moved down to my neck, sucking and nibbling at it. Delirious moans escaped my lips as I tilted my head back, exposing more of my neck.

Gorge began to move us, he opened the first door and we landed into a random bedroom. Luckily no one was in there.

He placed me on the bed then pulled out his wand. "Mufflato."

I pulled him back into a kiss, he towered over me with his body in between my legs. I began messing with the hem of his top and pulled it off, exposing his abs. They were very defined.

I felt his hands go up my dress, shivers going down my spine. Was I really about to have sex for the first time since...him?

Fuck it Ella, you need to get over him. Now is the best chance.

I took off my dress, leaving me in just my underwear. George smirked at the sight of me as he pulled down his pants and boxers. His erection popped out, fucking hell it was big. I get that he's tall and everything, but I did not expect it to be that big.

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