Chapter 31

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Me and Draco have been sending letters to one another since New Year's Eve. Right now, I was saying my goodbyes to my parents as we boarded the train.

"Be good, I expect that you'll keep your heads down in class and do well on your OWL's." Mother waved us off.

"Only 'O's are acceptable." Father added.

The train began to move, so we waved goodbye then walked back to the carriage. We shared a secluded carriage this time with the whole group. Blaise, Theo, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle -as well as me and Bella of course.

I walked inside and took my seat beside Draco on the end by the window.

"So, how was everyone's Christmas?" Theo asked.

"Alright." I nodded.

"Mother and father took me to Venice for a weekend, which was beautiful." Theo chimed.

"Me and Ella visited some family in France for one week, other than that it was pretty boring." Bella shrugged.

"You're only upset that you haven't had sex in nearly three weeks." Blaise wrapped his arm around her and shook her a little. "Don't worry, you'll see your girlfriend today."

"Fuck off Blaise." She shoved him off her. "I don't see you getting any."

"Ooooo." We all chuckled.

"For your information, I've been getting plenty."

"Sure you have, Zabini." I smirked. "Keep telling yourself that."

Everyone laughed again, Blaise folded his arms over his chest and began to sulk.

"Oh cheer up." I learnt over -he was sat at the other side- and ruffled his hair.

He swatted my hand away which made me chuckle and I sat back down. I felt Draco's arm go around my waist discreetly.

'I've missed you'

He was in my head, for fuck sake.

'I have you whipped already, wow.'

His lips turned into a smile.

'Do you have the ring on?'

I pulled it out and began to play with it in my fingers, it was securely around my neck.

'Good girl.'

'Why do you and Malfoy  keep making weird facial expressions?'

And now Bella's in my head, great.

'Fuck off out my head Bell, we're not making weird expressions.'

She rolled her eyes then carried on with the conversation everyone else as having.

I looked outside at the greenery and watched as the world went by, I felt myself begin to drift off to sleep, and my eyelids fluttered closed.


I jolted up and looked around, it was dark outside and the train had stopped moving. We had arrived.

Draco and I were the only ones in the carriage. "We're here, come on."

I yawned then got up and grabbed my bag from the luggage rack above us then we walked out together.

Silence emitted between us, I was just thinking about how I'd have to confront George soon. Draco, however, seemed like he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, like he was tongue tied.

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