Chapter 55

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The last week in school passed by quickly, I spent most of it with Draco in his room. Luna had come back from St. Mungo's and Bella was so excited to see her, they finally reunited yesterday and spent the night in our room as I was in Draco's.

It warmed my heart to see how in love Bella was, and Luna forgave her straight away for what Uncle Harry did. Bell must of said sorry about 100 times on his behalf and she said it was okay.

Right now, we were on our way home for the summer. I was a little confused because I didn't know if those 'lessons' with uncle Harry would carry on or not seeing as we were staying at the Malfoy Manor.

I was sat in a carriage with Theo, Anna, Blaise, Bella and Draco. Crabbe and Goyle went into a different one.

Oh, I almost forgot to say that Grace spoke to Theo about what her friends said and he completely understood why she was confused on what to do. They both kept talking after class and ended up having sex that night in Theo's room again. She agreed to meet him in the holidays and they said they'd write letters to one another, they've both told me that they like each other a lot which is very cute.

"I'm so tired." I yawned while resting my head on Draco's shoulder.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay." I smiled and closed my eyes, slowly falling into a deep slumber.


I jumped awake at see that we had gotten to the station, it was dark outside but we could hear the muffled sounds of people exiting the train. Draco was stood in front of me with a small smile, one hand extended for me to take so I took it.

I slowly got to my feet and stretched while grabbing my bag. I interlocked our hands as we walked out the door and off the carriage. Bella was stood there with hers, mine and Draco's luggage, waiting for us.

"Thank you." I smiled as I took it off her and we began walking around the busy platform to find my mother. I spotted her near the back wall straight away. She grinned at us all as we walked over to her, engulfing us all in hugs.

"Come on, let's get going." She ushered while taking Milo's cage off me. We transported by the floo network to the Malfoy Manor, it was surprisingly quiet.

"Oh, you're here!" We heard someone chime from behind us, we turned our heads to see Narcissa walking into the room with Bellatrix. "The house elves are just making some food, it should be ready soon."

"Where's dad?" I asked.


Me and Bella immediately went to walk up the stairs but got stopped. "He's sleeping at the minute."


"Come, I'll show you to your rooms." Narcissa followed us up the stairs and began showing us to our rooms.

"This is yours Bella." She told us while opening a door to a room that looked more like an apartment. All the walls were black, including the furniture, but it was very big.

Bella walked into her room and put down her bags, we then walked for what felt like 5 minutes until we met a door at the end of the top floor. "This is yours, Ella, your fathers orders was to give you the one furthest away from Draco's room."

Thanks dad.

"Okay, thank you." I smiled while walking into my room. I closed the door behind myself and looked around, it looked just like Bella's room except it's the opposite way around.

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