Chapter 10

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Warning: there is insinuation of rape in this chapter, it's not very long and it's near the bottom, so you've been warned.


I woke up and a headache was forming straight away. My head was pounding, my eyes were still blurry because I wasn't used to my surroundings, my throat was killing me it was that dry....and my crotch and thighs were aching.

What the fuck happened?

"Looks who's awake!" Bella chimed as she came out from the bathroom and sat on my bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like death." I said in a croaky voice. She chuckled as she handed me a glass of water, which I downed straight away.

"So, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Ummm." I tried to recall my memory, but it was a little blurry. The one thing I remembered clearly was having sex with George. "My last memory was of us dancing on the dance floor."

"So you remember things from before that?"

"Mhm." I nodded as I drunk some more of the water.

"You remember shagging George."

I spat my water out at her comment. How does she know? " how do you.."

"You told me." She giggled. "And it doesn't take a genius to realise that you both went off at the same time and came back both flustered."

I groaned as I fell back onto my back, covering my face with my hands. "Why did I take that fucking pill?"

"Yeah, you're crazy for taking them."

Wait, I remember putting them in my bra to keep them safe. I put my hand in my bra and pulled out the 4 pills.

Bella took them off me to look at them herself. "Merlin Eve, that's bad. Do you even know what's in them?"

"No, but whatever it was, it was good." I nodded. "But also bad."

She shook her head at me and went to get some clothes on. "Get changed, we need to go and get some breakfast."

"Okay." I yawned as I got up and wiped my makeup off. I'm definitely going to break out in spots.

I shoved on some blue jeans and a black hoodie, also some white trainers, then tied my hair in a bun. We walked together to the great hall, on our way there we ran into the Weasley twins.

"Hello girls." George chimed with a grin.

"Hey." We greeted in unison.

"Ella, can I speak with you for a moment?" Gorge asked, to which I nodded and we went into an unused classroom. When he closed the door, he turned to face me. "I really enjoyed last night."

"Me too." I smiled, I really did.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do it again some time?" He asked as if he was unsure with himself, his hand held the back of his neck.

"I'd love to." I smiled cheekily while looking him up and down. He was very good looking. "Where are you thinking, astronomy tower?"

"That could do." He nodded. "Tomorrow night, 9pm."


He smirked at me, pulling me over to him by my waist. I got onto my tip-toes to reach him as he kissed me passionately, his tongue swirling around in my mouth. After a couple of minutes, I pulled away and caught my breath. Our lips were swollen, and you could tell we'd just been snogging.

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