NEW Ch. 54: Rageful Clash with the Fallen Angel General

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3rd Person POV

"KOKABIEL!!!" (Y/N) roared, morphing his arm into a massive darkness made axe, crashing it towards the Fallen Angel General, only to be blocked by a magic circle.

"Well well, someone's aggressive. And rather bold of you." Kokabiel grinned, continuing to hold back the devil of darkness' attack. "Though, I enjoy the fools that try and fight against the inevitable."

"Tell me! What happened to my parents?!" (Y/N) questioned, unleashing more power to push through Kokabiel's defensive barrier.

"Why is it the reason you chose to fight me?" He asked. His shield broke apart with a powerful burst, allowing him to fly back. "Is it because I'm going to destroy the city you call your new home, kill everyone you've grown close too, or are you here for some other personal reason?"

"Answer me!! What do you know about my parents your crow-winged seaweed-haired fuck!!" (Y/N) roared, summoning a massive sword of darkness, swinging at the fallen angel only to miss every swing.

"You act like you know nothing, yet your able to control your darkness so naturally. As expected for a member of your race." Kokabiel goaded.

"BASTARD!!!" He roared, inhaling a massive amount of darkness. "DARK CALAMITY ROAR!!!" He unleashed a massive stream of darkness.

Kokabiel evaded the massive oncoming attack, only to watch it from the side as it blew apart the clouds in the sunset-colored sky.

"Interesting, seems killing you again aided you in growing stronger. Like father like son I suppose." Kokabiel said, raising a hand and summing a massive barrage of light spears, nearly covering the entire sky. "Let's see if your as selfless." He said, flicking his hand down and sending all the spears hurling down towards the rage-filled devil.

"FULL COUNTER!!!" (Y/N) repelled the massive barrage of light spears, sending them flying back to Kokabiel, who once again stopped them with a wave of his hand.

"Hmm..." He pondered. "You really don't know, do you?" He said, slowly developing into a fit of laughter. "How interesting! How amusing!! HOW HILARIOUSLY ENTERTAINING!!! YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!! NOT A SINGLE THING AT ALL!!!"

"FUCK YOU!!!" He roared violently, unleashing a massive barrage of Ouroboros chains towards Kokabiel.

The fallen angel redeployed his spears and sent them to intercept the viper-headed chains of darkness, only to watch them all shatter from contact or by being devoured by the weapons. Kokabiel twitched for a moment and began to ascend in an attempted escape, but was grabbed by the chains on one of his legs and around his neck, and was yanked back down.

(Y/N) reeled back his hand, encasing it in black and green flames, only to unleash it at the Fallen Angel General's face. "WOLKENPALM!!!"

The fallen angel flew back, spinning uncontrollably until he he forced himself to a complete stop.

"Fallen Angel General Kokabiel..." (Y/N) growled as the darkness began to consume his body. "We can do this two different ways." He said. "You can tell me what I want to know of your own free will...or I force it out of making you scream."

Kuoh Academy

Valper Galilei and Freed Sellzen stared in bafflement and caution at the party before them.

"My my, quite the bold claim from such a young lady." Valper smirked.

Freed cackled. "Well, look who decided to come back for round two! And look, you brought friends this time!" He laughed again.

"This massive collection of Holy magical energy. It's really because of these two?" Tohru questioned for confirmation.

"It's appears that way." Beerus confirmed. "And I must say, the presence feels very familiar to yourself, Miss Saber." He said.

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