NEW Ch. 49: The Holy Sword and Tohru are Here!

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Kuoh City

3rd Person POV

Heavy rain continued to pour throughout the dark covered city of Kuoh. The tension between the two swordsmen was thick with killing intent, filling the streets with the scent of blood lust, and rage.

Kiba glared viciously at Freed, who simply waved his Excalibur in the air haphazardly and without care as he continued to laugh like a madman.

"TIME TO DIE!!!" Freed yelled as he lunged at Kiba.

The Knight swung his sword and blocked the Holy Sword's attack.

Thunder erupted above as the two swordsmen remained in their struggling clash.

"Hasn't anyone told you to heed the faces you make?" Freed questioned mockingly. "We wouldn't want our pretty little prince getting stuck that way. Luckily Excalibur isn't picky. It's simply hungry for your blood!!" He cackled madly.

"That's enough, freak!" Kiba yelled as he pushed the stray priest back.

"Now there's a tone of voice I never thought I'd hear come out of you." Freed said. "Good job!" He shrieked.

Kiba gripped his sword and unleashed his magic as he swung it down. "HOLY ERASER!!!" He roared, summoning streams of darkness that entrapped Fred's Excalibur, only to dissipate in its holy light.

"That was cute." Freed taunted. "You win some, you lose some. Nice try, kid." He laughed.

"Whatever. It was just a test." Said the Knight. I wanted to see if that sword was real." He explained. "Thanks for giving me the license to destroy you, and your sword!" Kiba said before charging at Freed.

With his unrelenting rage, Kiba continued his assault on Excalibur, dashing and hacking away at the blade and it's weirder. All while Freed blocked and taunted him.

"Oh, that's the spirit! Get 'em tiger!" He cackled as he managed to cut Kiba on his arm.

Kiba screamed in agony as his wound emitted a dark mist.

"Aw, someone forgot to warn you. This sword absolutely despises devils. Phooey!" Freed spat as he hunched over and smirked at the wounded Knight.

"Shut up!" Kiba yelled. "I'm not done yet!!" He said as he sweep-kicked Freed and sent his plummeting to the ground.

"Hey, that's cheating!" The stray priest whined.

Kiba jumped high into the air, preparing a downward slash onto his enemy. "That's what devils do!" He swung his sword, only to miss as Freed crawled away frantically as ran behind him.

"Nice move, Kiddo." Freed smiled.

Out of nowhere, a green magic circle appeared by the stray priest's ear.

"Oh shit." He muttered.

Kiba took Freed's distraction as an opportunity to strike. He lunged at the wicked priest with a quick and powerful thrust, only to miss as the target leapt out of the way.

"I hate to cut this short, but someone more important is calling!" Freed mocked as he rifled through his coat. "It's been fun. That's all, folks!" He through the object to the ground and a bright and blinding light erupted in front of Kiba, blinding him and giving the priest the opportunity to escape.

As the light faded, Kiba simply stood in silence, realizing that his target had escaped.


Alone in darkness, in total silence (Y/N) stood. Looking around with an irritated, yet curios look on his face. "God damn it!" He cursed. "Am I in Purgatory again?!" He questioned, only to realize that something was different about this new environment. "Wait...Maybe not." He said as he began to look around. "Starvlador said Purgatory is both hot and cold at the same time. Well, I'm not on fire and I'm not freezing my ass off. So, maybe not." He looked down, seeing the ground below him turned into a wide spread of white. "The hell?" He stepped on the ground, hearing it's hollow echo. "Is this a stage?" He asked. Out of nowhere, bright lights blared down from high above on to him and everything around him, dissipating the darkness and revealing what had been hidden.

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