Ch. 28: Training Has Begun

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Hiking Trail

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) stared silently at the scenic view from the hilltop he stood upon, taking in all the fresh air and sunlight that encompassed him and his friends on this beautiful day. However, at the moment, he cared very little for the view. He was only waiting for some of his fellow devils, who were still trekking their way up the hiking trail.

"You're almost there!" His master called to one of her servants.

The silent devil glanced to the side and saw she was calling for Issei, who looked like he was about to collapse from carrying a backpack alone.

"Just a few more feet!" Rias waved.

"Visualize, Issei!" Akeno cheered as she cupped some of the flowing water from the small stone fountain.

"C-Coming!" Issei cried in exhaustion.

Feeling worried, Asia turned to Rias. "Rias? Should I go get some of those bags for him?" She asked.

"He'll be fine." (Y/N) spoke, gaining the attention of the girls that stood at the rest stop away from him. "Besides, it's high time he gets things together. Think of this as part of his training." He explained, returning to silently staring at the forest below the hillside.

"(Y/N)'s right. Issei need to learn to carry that much on his own." Rias added.

"On your right." Kiba warned, passing by the exhausted pervert with a bag similar to the size of his own.

"Seriously?!" Issei bleated. "Did they give you a bag of feathers or something?"

Almost immediately, Koneko came up from behind and passed Issei as well, carrying a bag that looked six times larger than Kiba's or Issei's. "Move it." She ordered.

Issei gasped as his legs finally gave in, sending him falling backwards, only to bounce back up on to his front and lay on the ground in defeat. "GAH!!! I hate this!" He whined.

(Y/N) only sighed at his perverted friend's childish attitude.


(Y/N) looked over and saw Rias next to him, looking rather worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

(Y/N) looked away. "That's the fifth time you've asked me that today since we left. I promise Master, I'm fine. I just want to get started soon. The more we train, the more prepared we get to face Sir Burnt Poultry." He replied, looking back at his fellow members. "We're not too far from the place everyone! Only an hour left to go!" He called, gathering his things as he continued on his way, his friends following after him.

As everyone passed by Rias, she continued to looked melancholic at her servant.


ORC Headquarters

"Ten days..." Said Grafiya. "I think we can all agree that's fair."

"You sure?" Rias asked, not taking her eyes off (Y/N), lying unconscious as Asia continued to heal him.

"Considering your youth and lack of experience and Lord Riser's prowess; I've decided that assigning a handicap would be appropriate." The maid claimed.

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