Ch. 34: The Fight for Freedom! Azure Dragon Emperor's True Power!

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Astral Plane

3rd Person POV

"SON OF A BITCH!!!" (Y/N) cursed furiously as he paced around through the star reflective waters below him. "WE WERE SO FUCKING CLOSE TO WINNING!!! BUT YET AGAIN, MY DUMB ASS, FAULTY AS FUCK, PIECE OF SHIT HEART JUST HAD TO STOP AT THE WORST POSSIBLE TIMES!!! HOW MANY TIMES?! HOW MANY MORE TIMES DO I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT?!" He questioned, kicking some of the water.

"Alright, calm down you big baby." The Azure Dragon Emperor advised from on of the nearby rock formations.

"Hey up yours dragon! You don't know me!" The enraged devil snapped.

Starvlador's yellow dragon eyes stared at (Y/N) scoldingly. "You do know I've been with you since you were a child right? So, out of everyone you know, I know you the most."

"I know you do!" (Y/N) yelled back. "It's just a figure of speech!" The young devil scoffed. "Who's the idiot now?"

"Still you."

(Y/N) looked down in silence, processing what his dragon had just said. He grew enraged and charged at the dragon, only to be swiped away by his giant tail, crashing down on his back into the water. "Did I just get bitch slapped by a tail?" He groaned as he tried to shake off the hit he had just endured.

"Yes. Yes you did." Starvlador answered, earning a groan of annoyance in reply. "You're letting you anger cloud your judgment. And taking out your frustrations on me, the one who trained you, is not going to do much I'm afraid."

"I know..." (Y/N) replied weakly. "I just..." He stuttered, feeling tears fall down his face as he looked up at the star filled sky. "I promised Rias I'd save her, and in the end I let her down. I just don't understand why this keeps happening!!" He cried, hiding his eyes behind his arm. "I'm such an idiot..."

"No, you're not an idiot." Claimed Starvlador as he hopped of his mount and approached the crying young devil. "A failure? Absolutely."

(Y/N) grew confused, and rather hurt by his mentor's claim. "Not really what I need to hear right now old man." He rose up and looked at the dragon standing before him.

"But you're still alive. You still have a chance to save Rias. So are you going to stay there, lick your wounds and hope someone else does the job that YOU were meant to do?!" The Azure Dragon roared. "Since when were you the type to accept defeat while you still drew breath?" He questioned.

(Y/N) looked down at his armored hand, clutching it tightly and he recalled everything his done. Every challenge he's faced, and how he managed to beat the odds despite everything. He dried his eyes and look to the dragon with determination. "I need some help if I'm gonna do this right."

The azure scaled dragon smiled, bearing his fang. "Excellent. But first, you need to wake up." His voice boomed, shooting (Y/N) back into reality.

(Y/N)'s Room

(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes shot wide open, instantly seeing darkness on the right while he stared at the roof with his left. "What...What happened?" He questioned, raising his right arm to touch the right side of his face, only to feel bandages wrapped around his head. As he felt the wrappings, flashes of the Rating Game plagued his mind almost instantly. More specifically, how the Rating Game ended. "Rias..." He whispered, feeling tears stream down his remaining eye. He slowly rose up from his covers and gripped his hair in anger, slamming his left arm into the wall, only to feel stinging, numbing pain follow almost immediately. He looked over and quickly noticed his left arm was missing from halfway of his bicep downwards. He shuffled over to the edge of his bed and gripped his stinging stub tightly, hunching over in pain. "Rias...I'm so sorry..."

Azure Dragon Emperor: High School DxD X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now