NEW Ch. 47: Another Disquieting Premonition

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2nd Person POV

"What...What is this?" You asked, looking around within the total darkness.

The air around you was cold. That path before was pitch black. Yet slowly, it began to become clear. Revealing a long, never ending tunnel with countless spiked extensions pointing out of the walls.

"The hell is this place?" You question. "Starvlador? Any idea-?" You look down to your Sacred Gear, seeing your right hand, completely normal, back to is human shape. "What the-?!"


A faint deep echo pulsates through the whole cave.

You tensed up, a dark and looming presence all over the cave.


The pressure from the words alone began to weigh you down, as if you were sinking in a never ending abyss.


"Who...Who are you?!" You yelled.

The floor before you gave way, creating a massive hole in the ground. From within, a massive cloud of darkness emerged from below, slowly taking form of a giant being.

"RELEASE ME CHILD OF THE TRAITOROUS SIN!!!" The massive being of darkness lunged it's hand towards you.

You fell petrified by the mere presence of this unknown being. Unable to move a single muscle. This apparent nightmare would appear to end with your death at this hands of this being.


Suddenly, a bright light exploded before you, shielding you from the encroaching darkness.


You heard a voice yell. A man's voice. Both familiar yet unknown to you.


"SWEETHEART, YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!!! GO!!! RUN!!!" Another voice yelled. A woman's, filled with worry and fear.

The two jumped in front of you, their figures hidden by the ball of divine light in front of them. They turned around and looked to you. Their faces, though difficult for read were filled determination as they pushed the ball of light forward, holding the hand of darkness back.

"GO!!!" They ordered, the blinding light grew, encasing them them both as they pushed it forward.


You suddenly awaken in a frantic panic. Your breath quick and difficult to catch. "Jesus Christ!!" You groaned as you wiped your face. You release heavy sigh, looking at the calander at your nightstand, seeing the marked day. 'March 13...' You looked to your phone, double checking the date and confirming. "Yep...It is." You turned over and became suffocated in something soft, silky smooth and warm. You opened your eyes, seeing a bare pair of breast in your face. "Alright, I know I'm not dreaming, and not a pervert, so why am I waking up to boobs in my face?" You ask, your face donning a faint red tint of embarrassment.

A gentle moan arose bringing you in closer as she snuggled with you.

"R-Rias?!" You yell in surprise.

The Princess of Ruin slowly opened her eyes. Spotting you in her arms, she smiled happily. "Morning cutie." She greeted.

"Uh...Y-Yeah, morning." You replied back. "So...I take it you chose to sleep in my room...Again..."

Rias giggled. "I did. I'm sorry I was so late. But by the time I came up you were already asleep, so I decided to let myself in."

"Okay. That's fine, but that's not really the problem here." You reply, trying to avert your gaze to the pair of breast resting against your chest.

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