FATE Ch. 67: Caught between a Master and a Servant

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3rd Person POV

ORC Headquarters

Classes had ended for the day. Students were encouraged to go home as soon as possible. However, the Gremory devils stayed behind to deal with the issue of the school having multiple traps all over school.

"And that's the situation." Rias finished filling her Peerage in.

"We've informed our clients for tonight that we have an urgent issue at our base of operations and need to be dealt with promptly." Akeno added.

"I can't believe someone would do this." Asia was shaken with rage and fear. Furious that someone attempted to take, not only the life of someone she held most dear but all her friends as collateral.

"That would explain why the bathroom exploded." Issei sighed with relief.

"Ew." (Y/N) winced.

"After I left!" He clarified.

"Ah. Less gross."

"The Student Council has found fifteen traps so far. There's a high chance there more all over." She declared, rising from her seat. "Sona and the others have already started sweeping the grounds, so let's hurry up and join them. (Y/N), Kiba, Issei, you boys check the main building. Kiba, show Issei how to disarm traps."

"Yes, President." He bowed.

"Asia, Xenovia, you two partner up, okay? Go check the pool and surrounding areas."

"Of course." Xenovia nodded.

"Understood." Asia nodded.

"Akeno, Check the gymnasium and practice buildings."

"As you wish, Madam President."

"Koneko and I will be checking the outside."

"Yes ma'am." Koneko accepted.

"Alright everyone, let's get out there and make this school safe again!"

"Right!" Everyone replied readily.

Time Skip

The outside had turned bright orange from the setting sun. The city of Kuoh was falling into the hold of the night. During this time, the devils have collectively found an excessive number of traps all over the school.

"Damn, these traps are hard." Issei groaned as he walked the empty halls of his school. After seeing how to disarm the magic traps, they had gone to disarm ten of the collective 69. He had disarmed eight so far. "Can't believe that crazy chick set up so many. Someone could've gotten hurt or worse!" He feared, climbing up the stairs to check the third floor.

<Issei, wait!> Ddraig halted his host.

"Ddraig? What is it?"

<There's a hostile presence nearby. I've never sensed it before.> He claimed.

"Hostile? An enemy?!" He looked around, taking cautious steps forward.

The sound of obnoxiously loud steps clacking on the floor's tiles echoed through the stairway.

Issei slowly stepped up the stairs, meeting the one who stood atop the landing. The one who has been harassing and attacking his sworn brother, and set traps all over school. Rin Tohsaka.

"Well well, if it isn't the idiot pervert that moron (Y/N) hangs around. Issei Hyoudou, right?" She addressed.

Issei was immediately irritated by her. Her high and mighty attitude and aura reminded him of Riser Phenex.

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