Ch. 14: Back to Work

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Kuoh Academy

3rd Person POV

"Dude, you look like you haven't slept in days." Issei states to his dreary eyed friend.

"I know. I just haven't been sleeping well. I have no idea why." (Y/N) yawned. 'Right, like I don't already have my guesses. Rias seems upset about something. I wanna ask and I wanna help, but I don't know if it's my place to.'

"By the way, did you guys hear the news?" Motohama asked the group of boys.

"No, news depresses me." (Y/N) replied.

"Well not this news I assure you my sleepy eyed friends. Word through the grapevine is that we're getting a new student in our class." He stated.

"Huh, that right?" (Y/N) asked.

"That's right. And not only that, but we got ourselves a new nurse too. Word is she's quite the looker." Motohama claimed, instantly gaining the two perverts attention.

"Yo man! What we talkin'?!" Matsuda asked excitedly.

"Come on man! Give us the details!" Issei begged.

"I'm taking 10 out of 10. Total babe."

Suddenly, the bell rang and the students returned to their seats as the teacher entered the room.

"Alright class, simmer down. Before we begin, I'd like to introduce a new student who'll be joining us." They claim before beckoning the person outside the classroom to enter.

The door slid open and it revealed to be Asia, looking somewhat nervous.

"My name is Asia Argento." She bowed politely. "I'm feeling like a fish out of water, but I'm excited to be here." She smiled happily.

The class immediately erupted into a chattering mess and loud cheers.

"Shorty's hot!" Matsuda cheered with a massive blush on his face.

Motohama analyzed her physical features, but (Y/N) chose to ignore it.

'Great, looks like she's gonna be in our class. Rias must've pulled some strings. That makes things easier I guess.' (Y/N) thought happily as everyone continued to cheer for her.

"Being in a new school in a strange town can be overwhelming, but luckily I'm staying with (Y/N)!" Asia claims, which did not turn out good for the poor boy.

"BASTARD!!!" All the male students in his class shouted at him angrily.

"Hm?" He looked at the sudden enraged boys.

Motohama somehow managed to grab (Y/N) from behind and put him in a Full Nelson, while Matsuda grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and shook him furiously.

"Yo, what the eff, you tellin' me that hottie lives with you and you ain't dropped a dime for your homies 'bout it?!" Matsuda yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Come on Dude, don't hold out, tell us your secret!" Motohama demanded.


(Y/N) got out of their grasp and proceeded beat the life out of them. Over in the distance, (Y/N) saw that Asia was already making friends with the other girls, which made him happy. 'This is great, I think people are really gonna like her here.' (Y/N) thought as a content smile grew onto his face as he whipped off his hands of some blood.

"Hey Asia, do you know if (Y/N) locks his door at night?" One of the girls asked.

(Y/N) jolted up, overhearing one of the girls sudden change in topic.

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