Ch. 25: Recovery

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Astral Plane

3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s body was stiff to the bone, unable to move in the pitch black depths of the darkness that surrounded him. His eyes suddenly opened, only to find himself on a terrain of mirroring water, reflecting the space of stars above onto its surface.

"Haven't been in this place for a while." (Y/N) said to himself.

Suddenly, an azure blue star shines brighter than the others, slowly making its way toward the young devil.

"You've certainly went through quite the beating." The light spoke.

"Oh shut it, Starvalador. In case you didn't notice I survived that battle." He countered.

"Barely. You only won that battle because your body went out of control, you went through what I would call an incomplete Balance Breaker."

"What do you mean by 'incomplete'?"

"As I said. Your body was not in full control of itself. Your nature was comparable to that of a wild beast beating its prey until it was lifeless on the ground. I thought that by reawakening this power, you'd still have control of it. But I guess you're just a little rusty. " He claimed puzzling his partner. "All you have to do for now is stay alive." The dragon spoke, and the star's light starts to dim until it becomes pitch black once again.


'I feel so warm, but I also feel this great weight on my body. Am I about to die for real this time?' (Y/N) thought to himself as he slowly tried to open his eyes. "Hmm?" He asked, suddenly met with the source of the heat and weight.

"Morning you~" Akeno says seductively as she greets the young devil.

(Y/N) was immediately awestruck by this sudden twist of events. He looked further down Akeno's body and blushed scarlet once he realized she wasn't wearing any clothes. The young devil screamed upon the sight of his senior devil butt-naked and laying on top of him. 'WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?!'

<Woo boy! Go get some (Y/N)!> Starvlador cheered.


"My my, what a great reaction. Quite excellent." She said, drawing her face even closer to his.

"Wh-Wh-What the hell are you doing?!" (Y/N) asked anxiously.

"That's a very good question. What are you doing, Akeno?" Rias said with a very dark and murderous aura surrounding her.

"M-M-M-M-M-Master! This isn't how it looks!!!!" The young devil tried to convince his master.

Meanwhile, Akeno let out a giggle, showing she was entertained with how things are playing out. "I'm just checking to see how good his reaction time was going to be when he woke up. After all, he had been unconscious for a week and he might have been slow in his actions." Akeno explained.

"A week? I've been out for that long?" (Y/N) asked in great shock.

"You have. And Akeno, please put your clothes back on. Keep in mind we are in a hospital." Rias ordered.

Akeno rose up off her flustered junior to put on her clothes.

"Do you have any memory of what happened?" Rias questioned her bedridden servant.

"Kinda. It's all a bit hazy and I can make out bits and pieces of what happened, but that's about it. However I do know that I lost control in some way, right?"

"That's right. You went berserk and released an intense amount of power that crushed the monster in the tomb." Rias explained. "Or should I say your power went berserk? You seemed like you had complete control, but once you used up all that excess magical energy, you passed out."

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