Ch. 32: The Acclaimed Battle Continues!

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Sports Field

3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s body trembled with rage holding his fallen companion Koneko through the still smoldering crater that was detonated. The masked devil jerked his head up to see the assailant, who simply chucked in amusement over his agony. "You bitch! You'll pay for that!" He shouted furiously.

"I'm sorry." The weak Rook whimpered.

"Koneko, just hang on!" Pleaded (Y/N).

"I just wanted..." Koneko trembled in (Y/N)'s arms. "I just wanted to serve Rias well." Her voice trembled. The fact that she had been the first of the Peerage to be taken out devastated her.

"It's okay. You're gonna be okay." (Y/N) reassured. "Listen, I'll gonna heal you right up!" He summoned Oath Maker. "You'll be okay in no time."

Koneko's body began to glow blue, turning to multiple particles of light. She screamed as her body disappeared from the masked devil's arms.

(Y/N)'s eyes shot wide open at the sight of one of his newest friends vanishing in his arms. He dropped his sword, making a metallic clang upon contact with the ground before vanishing. "Koneko...No..." He cried.

Yubelluna continued to laugh victoriously as she hovered in mid air.

"What...What just happened?" Issei asked in utter shock.

"One of Lady Rias' Rooks...Retired."

(Y/N) made his way back onto his feet, grabbing his Oath Maker to prop himself up before standing on his own once again. "Damn you! You killed Koneko!" He snarled as he pointed his white sword at the purple haired woman. "I swear, you'll pay for that! One life deserves another!"

"Calm down (Y/N)..." Rias ordered hesitantly. "When someone can no longer fight, they're transported to a more appropriate location, where they're treated for their injuries..." She explained as her hands tightened with rage. "Koneko is not dead." She reassured. "You need to try and focus."

"But Rias-!" Bickered (Y/N).

"It's time to give up the fight, little boy!" Said Yubelluna. "No matter how hard you struggle, you won't win. In fact, this is where you die." She smiled.

(Y/N) tightened his grip on Oath Maker and glared at the woman. "Wanna bet?!" He snapped.

"Well this is exciting." A familiar Priestess claimed as she descended from the sky.

"Akeno!" Issei called in surprise.

"What are you doing here? Get out of my way!" The angered devil barked.

"(Y/N), Issei..." The ravenette turned to the two young devils and smiled, her magenta eyes glimmered with sharpened determination. "I can take care of this trash. You two go on ahead, okay?"

(Y/N) looked at Akeno worriedly, slightly lowering his Oath Maker. "But...But she..."

"Don't worry. I'll make sure she pays." She reassured.

"Make me pay? How exciting!" Yubelluna claimed mockingly.

"I'll be fine (Y/N) just go!" Akeno ordered once more, her thunderous arua overflowed over her entire body, showing how much power she was ready to unleash against the Queen of Riser Phenex.

(Y/N) looked down, feeling helpless that he himself couldn't step in and avenge Koneko. He tightened his hand and deactivated his Oath Maker. "Okay. Just promise me you'll get her sorry ass." (Y/N) turned to Issei. "Let's go."

"Right." He nodded.

The two boys took off, leaving Akeno on her own to deal with Yubelluna.

"I've been wanting to fight you for what seems like ages Priestess of Thunder." The purple haired woman smiled.

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