NEW Ch. 61: Broken Familarity

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3rd Person POV

Angel's Cloud Hotel

After their date, (Y/N) returned Irina to her lodgings and picked up his bag to head home.

"You sure you don't want to spend the night?" Asked the loving exorcist. "I don't mind sharing the bed like we used to." She offered with a smile.

"Appreciate it, but I'm gonna have to pass. Need to get home and check on Artoria. She might need another potion. Besides, a devil staying in a Christian hotel..." He laughed awkwardly.

Irina realized and giggled herself. "I suppose you're right. Well, get home safe then."

"Will do." He smiled. Something suddenly clicked in his head. "Oh! Almost forgot." He said, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a fold of money and handed it to Irina. "Here."

Irina took the money and saw how much he gave her, nearly ¥45,000. "Wha-Why?! I can't take this!! This is too much!! How do you even have this much money?!" He questioned loudly.

"Can you not scream please?! I don't need to get jumped going home!!" He blared back, quickly silencing the panicked Irina.


"It's just some extra cash to make it through the rest of your time here. Try and spend it wisely this time, 'kay? But if you run out, let me know. But I'll want what you don't spend back. Sound fair?"

Irina nodded. "You're doing so much for me. Again. I'm starting to feel bad." She admitted.

'Well, you're not the only one.' (Y/N) thought, feeling somewhat guilty himself. 'I should...No. not now. Next time I see her. Maybe.' He decided. "Take care, Irina. Have a good night." He smiled.

Irina rushed the young devil and hugged him tightly and planted a kiss on his lips. "Have a wonderful night, darling." She said as she headed back inside.

(Y/N) chuckled. "Good night, Irina." He said before making his way down the street.

"Love you!!" She declared loudly as she waved, eating her darling get further and further from her sight.

(Y/N) smiled and waved back. "Love you too!!" He yelled back.

He turned the corner and felt the chilling feeling of holy properties vanish. "Phew! There we go, much better." He sighed with relief. "Tonight was fun! I'm glad I had a chance to go out with Irina tonight!" He beamed.

"Should a boy your age really be out so late doing such things?" Akeno asked with her typical smile.

"Well yeah. We're young, we should enjoy our time as much as possible-" As he replied, he quickly realized who he was replying to and was shocked to his core. "AKENO?!"

"Hi~" She greeted with a smile.

"Wha-What're you doing here?"

"Oh me? I was just in the neighborhood. Happened to spot you a while back, so I thought I'd hang back and play with you a bit." She replied with a giggle. "Your reaction was really funny."

"U-Uh huh." (Y/N) replied, not entirely believing the Queen. "You weren' weren't following us...we're you?" He asked.

Akeno said nothing. She simply stood there with her usual sweet smile. "You silly boy. You say the silliest things sometimes." She replied.

'...She followed us.' (Y/N) thought. "Well, whatever. Come on." He said, walking past the ravenette.

"Eh?" Akeno looked confused.

He looked back. "I'm taking you home. Not gonna let a girl wander alone late at night by herself." He said.

Akeno, slightly stunned by her junior's words, made her somewhat happy. "My oh my, such a gentleman~" She praises as she hugs (Y/N) free arm. "Then please, escort little ol' me back to my humble abode."

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