FATE Ch. 63: Rejoice, Young Devil!

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s House

All of the residents joined in the living room, (Y/N), Artoria, Tsubaki, and Rias sat at the dinner table while the others stood around or sat elsewhere. Kiba sat on the couch as Asia healed his lingering injuries from earlier.

Their surprise guest, Rin Tohsaka, simply drank her tea. With very loud slurps.

<She drinks rather obnoxiously.> Commented Starvlador.

"Yeah. She does that when she's pissy." (Y/N) groaned.

Rin finally took a breath from her drink with a refreshed sigh. "Now that we're all not killing each other, there's something we need to get clear. Article 1: If you've got red marks somewhere on your body, it means you're a Master. Those are called Command Spells. Said Command Spells aren't candy. Use too many and Baeber disappears. Do you want Baeber to disappear? I don't. I like Baeber. She's MY Baeber. Frankly, you should give Baeber to me!! Article 2! Give! Me! Baeber!!" She yelled, growing more aggressive.

(Y/N) just glared at her. "Why do you keep calling her that? More importantly, who's the guy in red and why is he on my roof?!" He asked, pointing to the ceiling.

"The thing you need to understand (Y/N), is Give. Me. Baeber!!"

"Okay." Spoke Tsubaki, gaining the figurative floor. "Maybe I can explain what's going on?"

"Please, by all means. "Cause we're not getting anything out of Trigger Happy Havoc over here." (Y/N) said, pointing to the Mage sitting across from him.

"Seven magically adept individuals, typically Mages, are chosen by a powerful force to take part in a battle royal of sorts. These Mages become Masters, which are then required to summon a Servant from seven classes. Saber, Archer, Lancer, Caster, Assassin, Rider, and Berserker. These pairs are then to battle one another until only one is left standing."

"It's a tradition that has occurred across the world five times fought between competent Mages...and people like you." Rin berated, instantly earning a glare from many of the devils.

"I second that!!" The man on the roof yelled.

"Archer, are you coming in here or what?" Rin questioned her Servant.

"Not on your life!!" He replied irritably.

Rin simply smirked. "He's just intimidated by you for some reason."

"SCREW OFF, RIN!!!" Archer yelled back.

"Prove her wrong, dude!!" (Y/N) yelled, only to hear heavy footsteps stomp across his roof.

"I'm gonna level with you, (Y/N). The Mages in this thing. Are. Monsters. People who would sooner murder innocent humans and decorate their workshop using your blood as paint. This is NOT the place for you! We're all basically Merlin. On a warpath!" She said.

"Scary thought." Artoria commented.

"You clearly don't know me well enough if you think something like THAT will scare me. I've seen worse. Far. Worse." The Azure Dragon Emperor replied coldly. "But all of that would be for what exactly?"

"A cup." She replied. "Do you want to risk your life...for a CUP?!"

Tsubaki's eye twitched with annoyance. "I'm not sure how I feel about you referring to the most SACRED of omniscient and historic relics...offhandedly as a mere cup."

"Agreed." Glared the Saber Servant.

Rin growled, slamming her hands on the table in anger. "I'm at my wit's end! Negotiations are going NOWHERE!!!" She screamed, scratching her head in frustration. Her calm and composed demeanor changed into a screaming, hair-pulling tantrum.

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