FATE Ch. 64: Berserker Burn

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3rd Person POV

Neighborhood Streets

The girl smiled sweetly at the group. The innocence blanketed over the malice from inside. Easily sending a chill down one's spine.

<(Y/N), be careful! This albino loli may look innocent, but she's far from it! She's dangerous!> Starvlador warned.

"Yeah. No kidding." He said, gripping his sheathed blade tightly. 'But what the hell is HE doing here? I thought he was sealed back in the tomb on that island.'

The presence of the hulking goliath was as terrifying as the ones which encountered him before remembered.

The girl laughed playfully, lightly lifting the sides of her skirt and curtsied. "Allow me to introduce myself; I am Illiyasviel von Einzbern. This is my Servant, Berserker. And it seems the three of you..." She looked to (Y/N), Kiba, and Artoria. "Have history." She said with a wicked smile.

Artoria looked to the child, a familiar feeling enveloping her. A feeling of upset and regret. She looked down dejected. However, she took a deep breath and steeled herself.

"Like the Tohsaka and Makiris, the Einzberns are one of the founding families that established the Murder-Death-Kill system under the tutelage of Kishur Zeltretch." Rin explained.

Everyone just blinked and looked dumbfounded by her explanation.

"Those were words." Kiba accepted.

"And that helps us how?" (Y/N) asked deadpanned.

Rin focused her sight on Berserker. Her view became slightly distorted as categories and ranking lettered appeared around the beast. "That's incredible." She trembled. "His lowest start rank is a B. Apart from his luck stat, he's A-ranked across the board!"

"Nope!!" Shouted the astral Archer as he started jumping and leaping away. "He who runs away and doesn't fight, runs away first!"

"Servants have stats?" (Y/N) asked, looking to Artoria.

"When you get down to it, the Holy Grail war is essentially one big game." Tsubaki explained.

"I'd say that's accurate." Said Illiyasviel. "After all...I want to play a game." Her tone immediately turned dark and cold. "Okay, go get them, Berserker. Kill them all."

Berserker's body suddenly glowed red, his power increasing as he roared before jumping up high.

Multiple red-streaking projectiles came flying towards the beast, each one blasting him down to the ground with brilliant detonations.

"What the hell was that?!" Kiba questioned, shielding his sight from the powerful gusts of wind and smoke.

"That must've been Archer!" Tsubaki guessed.

"This is what happens when two Servants fight. The rather beneath their feet gives way to their rage and the skies open up to let their bloodlust spill forth!!" Rin declared with eager excitement.

"Alright, keep it in your pants!" (Y/N) chastised.

"Master, leave this to-" Artoria spoke.

Berserker lunged forth and vanished in the blink of an eye, appearing before (Y/N).

Everyone turned and watched as the titan went for their friend and Master.


(Y/N) quickly rose his hands up, taking the incoming hit as he was sent flying to a massive nearby field. He flipped up and stopped himself from sliding further, his arm's illusioned appearance reverted to its normal Sacred Gear state, shaking from the impact of the previous blow. "Thank god I used my Blazblue. That would've ripped my arm off."

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