NEW Ch. 48: Drunk Dragons and Holy Swords

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3rd Person POV

"So...where to begin..." (Y/N) pondered, thinking of what to say to his mother and sister first. "Well, I guess I should probably start with a pretty big thing. "I uh...I'm a devil. Yeah, I know. It sounds bad. But trust me, we don't condemn innocent people to hell or anything like that. In fact, we kinda just make deals with people who call us and protect the city. It happened when I was attacked by a fallen angel and I came close to dying. Actually...I think I did die. But I was reincarnated as a devil. I met other devils too, they're the other members of the Peerage. They're all really nice. After that, it took some getting used to being a devil but it all worked out eventually. I actually made enough stride I managed to make a pact with a familiar, she's a God Beast named Kohaku. You'd love her Kazuki, she's a white tiger. But a big fluff ball. After her I managed to summon Artoria. She's a Heroic Spirit I met in my dreams. Have no idea how I managed to pull that off but she's here regardless. She's an amazing swordswoman. And she has an seemingly bottomless pit for a stomach."

He smiled. "You'd love her, Mom." He said. "After all that, some asshole popped up saying he was Rias' fiancé. But that ended after I beat him in a duel. Well...took two tries but it ended alright in the end. Oh, Rias is my master. She's the one who revived me as a devil. She's...the one who gave me another chance at life." He smiled again. "She's pretty incredible. But everyone's really awesome too. Asia's an amazing healer. We met right outside the house. She was lost and I helped her with directions. Turns out, she was working for the enemy. But even so, she defended me. Someone who she barely knew. the end...she died because of me. But she was brought back under our ranks as a devil. But even after all that, she's a really sweet girl and very kind. Akeno's amazing with magic. She's a bit of a dominatrix, but's she's a sweet girl and helps me out a lot. Koneko too. She's stoic most of the time but she's cool too. Issei's a devil too. He's actually getting better at being a person. Still a perv though." He laughed halfheartedly. "Kiba's really cool too. He's a total badass when it comes to swordplay. He, Koneko and Issei actually went with me on a road trip in America to help deal with a stray causing problems. They...they almost died because of me." He clenched his fists tightly. "How can they just let that go? They nearly died protecting me. Yet they hold nothing against me. Maybe Kiba's actually showing how mad he is finally. He's going through something, and I want to help him but he told me to stay out of it. I can tell he's hurting. I can't just sit by while one of my friends in suffering like that! But...I don't know what to do..."

He sat in silence for a brief moment before continuing on. "All this stuff is happening...Time keeps moving on without you...And it hurts!" The tears finally began to show. Falling down onto his hands as he hung his head. "It hurts that you aren't here with me. To be apart of my life. Maybe if you hadn't taken me in, then you'd still be alive!" He cried. "But...I so thankful for the both of you. You welcomed me into your home and lives. Made me apart of your family when I had nowhere else to go. You took in a boy...A boy who had no idea who..." He looked down to his hands. "Or what he was. But you took him in and accepted him as your son. Your little brother. Gave him so much love and affection he haven't felt from anyone else. I'll always be grateful to be a Kazami; to be apart of your family. But...I don't feel I deserve to carry your name. I failed to save either of you...And this is all I can do to make up for it...I'm sorry..." He weeped. "I really miss you two..." He gripped his pants. "But I will keep my promise..." He rose up, looking to the tombstone with a determined gaze. "I'll keep living. I have people who are counting on me. Just like you said would happen...I love you guys." He grabbed the unopened Dragonslayer sake and turned around to head back to the Matsuda Family Shrine. "I'll see you around Kazuki...Mom." He bid his farewells and proceeded to walk back down the hill.

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