FATE Ch. 66: Don't Poke the Devil

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s House

"We're home!" The owner announced as he entered, party in tow.

"Welcome back." Greeted Torhu. "The kitchen's all ready for you. And everyone's rather hungry." She informed.

"Please tell me you guys didn't starve yourself just because I'm cooking tonight." He worried.

"Is that (Y/N)?!" Asked Isabela from the living room.

"Yep. He, Artoria, Mr. Kiba and Ms. Tsubaki are here as well." The Dragon Maid announced.

"Well tell that man to get his ass in the kitchen!" Demanded Isabela.

"Sheesh, someone's hungry." (Y/N) furrowed at the aggressive tone the former Rook had.

"I will drag him by his dick if I have to! Food!! NOW!!!" She yelled.

(Y/N)'s neither regions quivered at the idea of a Rook handling his delicates. "Okay. Okay. Jeez, twist my arm why don't cha?" He said.

"I will twist! YOUR!! DICK!!!" She yelled again.

"I got it!! I got it!!" He replied, hurrying his pace to the kitchen.

"Wow. Someone's hangry." Kiba commented.

"She's been looking forward to having (Y/N)'s cooking again for quite some time." Tohru informed. "Are you two going to join us?"

"That's the idea." The Knight smiled.

"Besides, we're not quite done talking quite yet. But, we'll finish it after dinner." Tsubaki informed.

"I see. Well, please make yourselves comfortable in the living room and let me know if there's anything I can get you." Tohru bowed courteously.

Upon entering the living room, the residents were sitting in front of the tv as a movie was playing. Looked to be a super hero movie of sorts.

Asia simply sat and happily petted Rasei. Siris read a book with Kohaku laying on her legs. Artoria, Kiba, and Tsubaki joined the group and sat at the coffee table and began watching the movie. Rias was on the edge of her seat, watching the whole fight scene with excitement and awe. Her eyes glistened with joy. Isabela sat on a stool and leaned on the kitchen countertop, watching intensely and impatiently as (Y/N) began cooking.

In a mere instant, (Y/N)'s entire persona had changed. His movements became as swift as the wind. The heat and focus of his gaze matched that of a beast stalking their prey.

"W-Woah." Isabela marveled, watching as (Y/N)'s movements began to grow more. "I've lived here for nearly at least a month now, but I don't think I've ever seen him cook."

"Quite the site, isn't it?" Asia asked as she approached the former Rook, resting Kohaku in her arms. "It's almost like he's a completely different person when he's in the kitchen."

"You can say that again. Where'd he learn to do all this stuff?" She asked.

"He told me it was from Chisato and working at an Eatery part time when he was younger. Guess he learned a lot, because nearly every dish served in this house is his recipe."

"That's amazing." She awed.

"Hey, can someone set the table?" He asked without taking his eyes off the food.

"On it!" Exclaimed Tohru, returning to the kitchen to grab silverware, glasses, and began setting the table.

Time Skip

It seemed like hours, endless torture to the former Phenex Rook who sat at the forefront of the waves of tantalizing scent of delicious food. But her wait was warranted and would soon be rewarded.

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