R&R Ch. 36: Breast Chimera

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Abandoned Apartment Building

3rd Person POV

Issei's breath was rapid as he continued to chase down the stray devil that ran away.

The stray turned a corner and Issei immediately followed after. The stray went into a nearby room and shut the door immediately.

"Get back here damn it!" Issei yelled as he approached the door the stray went through. He grabbed the handle and pulled the door open.

The stray lunged at the young devil, grabbing his head and jumping over him, continuing his escape.

"Shit! Son of a-!" Issei cried.

In a lower level of the building, Akeno, Koneko and Asia encountered one of the stray's familiars.

The insect flew right towards Asia at terrifying speed, causing her to scream.

"Asia!" Akeno cried.

Koneko rushed in front of Asia and guarded her.

The familiar stopped right in front of the white haired Rook, baffling her.

The insect flew around her and made a straight shot towards Akeno, poking and rubbing against her breasts.

"Oh my." Akeno smiled.

"Akeno?" Asia worried.

The ravenette moaned from the short bursts of pleasure that came from her prodded breasts. "Oh my. What a naughty little bug you are. Targeting only my breasts."

"M-Maybe because your breasts are so big and are easy to see?" Asia claimed, a slight hint of jealously in her tone.

Koneko glared at the big with an irritated gaze. Having had enough, she grabbed the familiar and held it tightly in her hand.

Akeno simply giggled at how irritated her Junior looked.

Up on the higher floors, the stray ran to the stairs outside the building, causing Issei to smile.

'Alright! We've got 'em!' Cheered the Red Dragon Emperor.

Loud, authoritative steps emanated from the stairs, growing closer and closer towards the stray.

"Good evening...wandering stray." Rias greeted.

The stray devil gazed upon the Princess of Ruin, fear immediately set into his eyes.

Issei eventually caught up to the stray, cutting off his escape through the halls.

"You must face your sentence." The redhead added as her Knight and (Y/N)'s Heroic Spirit appeared from the stairway below, cutting off another route of escape. "You have forsaken your master to run rampant, satisfying your own lustful desires. You must atone for your sins."

Slowly from the star-filled skies above, (Y/N) descended, landing behind his master with arms crossed and donned in his Azure Dragon Armor. His wings spread open wide, casting a shadow on the floor below as his armor shined radiantly in the moonlight.

"In the name of the Gremory Family, I will blow you away." Rias declared.

In a seemingly futile attempt, the stray began to conjure a spell, summoning a multitude of magic circles around himself, forming a protective barrier.

"Don't try it." (Y/N) suggested, forming a low leveled Dragon Shot and launching towards the stray, clashing with his incantation.

The blast of the Azure Dragon Emperor proved to be too much for the criminal devil, blasting his incantation away and sending him flying back to the railing behind him.

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