FATE Ch. 73: New Additions to Kuoh Academy

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3rd Person POV

Artoria's Bedroom

The King of Knights stood before a mirror, seeming to struggle with tying her ribbon. "It went like this...then this-Wait, no...this...then this..." It continued to result incorrectly, much to her ire. "I don't get it! Why is this so hard? I've done it before!!" She fumed.

A knock erupted on the doorway. "Artoria, everything okay? You've been in there a while." Asked Rias, with slight concern.

"This ribbon is...frustrating me!" She fumed. "I've worn similar apparel before, so why is this causing me such trouble?!"

Rias chuckled at the King of Knights struggle, gaining her upset stare. "Sorry sorry. I don't mean to laugh. But, it IS sort of funny. Here." She stepped behind Artoria and took the ribbon, showing how to tie it in the mirror. "Just like that." She smiled, rubbing the Heroic Spirit's shoulders. "You look very cute, "Altria"." She complimented, using Saber's new name for school.

"Thank you." She smiled, double-checking her appearance in the mirror. "I honestly don't know what that was all about. I've fought on many battlefields and fought against many powerful adversaries. Yet, this feeling in my stomach seems rather irksome."

"Altria, are you nervous?"


"It's kind of surprising if so. As you said, you've been through a lot. But you don't have anything to worry about, I promise. Everyone will be there to help you, and you'll be with Koneko in your class. Only thing you might need to worry about are other students trying to make passes at or cause drama with you."

"Make passes?" The Saber Servant looked confused.

Rias smiled. "It's nothing. But trust me, it'll raise less suspicion. We just enrolled Xenovia recently. Another transfer student—who happens to know (Y/N)—enrolling around the same time might cause people to ask questions. Besides, with this Holy Grail War going on, there's no clue who we can and can't trust." He explained.

Artoria sighed, accepting the rationality Rias delivered. "I suppose you're right. I guess I still have reservations about being in a different class from (Y/N)." She admitted. "But I'll have to trust his word that he'll contact me, should something suddenly happen."

"That you do. Come on, breakfast should be ready." Rias reminded.

Artoria's ahoge shot straight up at the mention of the finished meal.

The two ladies left the bathroom and entered the living room, only to hear noises coming from the backyard.

(Y/N) was in the midst of training. Fighting against golems in hand-to-hand combat.

Two golems rushed at the young devil with a flurry of punches and kicks, which were deflected, blocked, and parried.

(Y/N) redirected their incoming hits into each other,  jumped up, and split-kicked them both.

Another charged but was palmed in the head and shattered.

A group of three rushed in, one was airborne but was kicked away while the others were tossed into each other.

(Y/N) evaded an incoming attack and elbowed the golem in the back of its neck, breaking it off.

A golem attempted to swing, but (Y/N) caught its head and slammed it to the ground and crushing it.
(Y/N) pushed forward and elbowed the golem's head twice, followed by a backhand punch that shattered the head.

One charged, only to be met with a jab to the face. It was quickly followed by a hook to the side and a gut punch that broke it in half. One attempted to sneak up from behind but was kicked in the abdomen beheaded with a chop from the azure-colored claw.

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