Ch. 11: Awakening

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Ritual Altar

3rd Person POV

The four devils continued to stare at Asia's body. One of them having the feeling that has and would always linger within him, that feeling of losing someone dear.

"Yes! I've been lusting after this power for years!" Raynare proclaimed with a wicked expression, the rings she had stolen from Asia's body in hand. "Those miserable hearts are in the palm of my hand...perfect." She lowered the glowing aura emitting rings towards her and placed them on her chest. The rings entered her body, and she immediately reeled back with a pleasure-filled moan.

The whole room is blinded by a bright green light for a brief moment, before dying down again. Everyone in the whole room looked upon Raynare, who was radiating with pure magical energy. A mix of both pure and dark. Now, she had complete control of her new stolen powers. As everything begins to settle, Raynare chuckled rather maniacally. "I'll be beloved. I'll be the most powerful fallen angel there is!" She turns around and looks at everyone below her. "All those pricks who have screwed me over are going regret it!"

"The only one who's going to regret anything, IS YOU!!!" (Y/N) yelled with pure rage as he charged toward the fallen angle upon the altar. As he ran, a horde of priest proceeded to block the way. "I don't have time for this!! OUT OF MY WAY!!!" He yelled as he dodged a downward slash from a stray priest, who was then punched in the face and sent flying by the black and white-haired boy.

Another one attempted to attack (Y/N), but was quickly side kicked in the stomach and thrown to the side via head toss. One more tried to take the young devil by surprise by attacking from behind, but is blocked by Kiba stepping in, blocking the attack with his own sword. The sword quickly turned pitch black, catching the stray priest by surprise. Koneko quickly grabbed him from behind and proceeded to throw him across the room.

"No you don't!" One priest yelled at the group of devils as he pulled out a gun, but was quickly parried by Kiba. Only to be kicked away by Koneko.

Rather quickly, the three devils began to make a path for (Y/N) to take.

Seeing this newfound opportunity provided by his friends, he immediately bolted towards the staircase that lead to Asia and Raynare.

Unfortunately, three gun-wielding priests managed to break away from the fighting with the others and aimed their guns at the running devil, taking their shots.

Upon hearing them, (Y/N) quickly turned around and swiped his hand with the speed of sound. He displayed the bullets fired at him caught in between four of his fingers. He tossed them back at the priests and they fall to the floor, dead. However, two of them managed to lose their grip on their guns and they toss them into the air, only to be caught by the devil. Without hesitation, he began shooting the stray priests in their vital spots, killing them instantly. "You guys must not be as Holy as you thought, seeing as how a devil is both holding and killing you with your, so-called Holy Guns!" (Y/N) yelled as he continued to make his way up the stairs towards Asia, but not before taking a few shots at Raynare, who just flew out of the way. (Y/N) managed to make it to the top of the altar, only to see a motionless Asia Argento. He slowly walks towards her, still in complete shock and disarray.

Without even giving notice, Raynare landed by him and simply smirks. "I suppose you deserve a reward for making it this far." She smirked as she snapped her fingers.

The chains binding Asia glow red for a slight moment but quickly fades as the chains loosen and the shackles unlock, releasing the blonde holy sister. As she quickly began to fall to the floor, with one of her breasts showing, (Y/N) rushed over and caught her in his arms.

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