Ch. 3: Day of the Date

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(Y/N)'s POV

Kuoh City Plaza

The day had finally arrived. My date with Yuma. To be completely honest, I'm really nervous. I've never really been on a date before. But from what understand, I just gotta do things that the other person will want to do, or something we both enjoy. But I want her to be happy and enjoy herself, so I think the safest thing to do will be doing things she'll want to do.

Currently, I was waiting at the big clock fountain in the middle of the city, simply waiting and looking at the clear blue sky. The sun was shining brightly, making this day almost perfect for being outside.

I wore a black, high-collared jacket with a zipper. Over this, was another jacket, this one unzipped and white, with several black block designs and a grey hem on the end of each sleeve. This jacket's collar was red and pleated and folded back.

I also wore two-colored pants; the legs of my pants were beige with several of what looked like buttons on the hem that appeared to attach the legs to the rest of the cloth, which were dark-colored. My shoes were colored in shades of grey and black, and had red straps in place of laces. Finally, I wore a wrist band with a black-and-white checkerboard pattern on my left wrist, as well as a plain black ring on my left index finger and a plain white ring on my left middle finger. Issei once told me that that the checkers on this outfit were meant to symbolize light and darkness. I never knew why this outfit made me feel good, I just saw it a long time ago in a clothing store and got it, like it was calling out to me.

I eventually looked at the big clock and noticed it was 12:15, I had arrived at 11:50. It's always smart to be ahead of time for any event.

"She sure is late, hope everything's okay." I say out loud.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Curious, I looked behind me and saw a girl, in a rather strange costume. She handed me a piece of paper and I accepted it.

"Thanks." I said.

She smiled and walked away.

When she did I looked at the flyer with a confused expression. It had some weird symbol on the front, with a strange-looking message as well.

"Your wish will be granted huh? Gonna have to look into that later." I say as I tuck the flyer into my pants pocket.

"Hey (Y/N)!" I hear a sweet voice call out, catching my attention.

I turn and see Yuma running towards me at a pretty fast pace. She eventually jumped into my arms, causing me to catch her as we both spin around. I let her down and hold her as she hugs me tightly, making me feel her chest on mine.

'Things are escalating a little to fast for my liking!' I shout to myself.

"I'm so happy to see you. Sorry, I'm late." She says.

"Nah it's cool, I haven't really been in his part of town before so I've just been looking around a bit." I reassure her. I take notice of her outfit, and I gotta say, she looks really cute. Her attire consisted of a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top, with a white skirt, black socks, and brown shoes.

Yuma takes notice of my looking and gets an embarrassed look of her face.

"D-Do I look weird?" She asks shyly.

"W-What?! N-No not at all!" I let go of her as I jump at her words. "On the contrary in fact. You look really cute." I say with a smile.

"Really? That's good. So should we go?" She asks as she holds out her hand.

"Uh...yeah." I say as she takes my hand in hers and we begin walking away from our meeting place.

3rd person POV

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