Ch. 31: The Showdown Begins

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ORC Headquarters

(Y/N)'s POV

The hour was almost upon us, the Rating Game against Riser was about to begin. But for the time being, all we could do was prepare and wait. Everyone prepared in their own way. Kiba was checking his swords, Koneko was readying her battle gear, Rias and the others simply drank tea to relax. I tired to take a page out of their books and continued to work on songs for the concert coming up soon.

"Unbelievable..." Issei marveled at Rias' calm and relaxed composure. "Our fearless leader doesn't even look worried about the Game today, does she?" He whispers to me.

"Yeah. I'll admit, it's a little unnerving." I admit.

The door to the clubroom suddenly opened, causing all of us to see the Head of the Student Council.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting." Sona greets as Tsubaki closed the door behind her.

"No, please, come on in Sona." Rias beckoned.

"I'm glad you could make it." Akeno greeted with a smile.

"Wow, I sure didn't expect to see these two here..." Issei admitted shockingly. "What gives?"

"There's a live broadcast of the competition so family members can watch." Rias explains. "Sona and Tsubaki are here to help out with that."

"Awesome..." Issei awed.

"And besides, it's her first Rating Game. I wouldn't miss an event like this for anything." Said Sona.

Rias simply smiled. "Well, I promise to do everything in my power to make it interesting for you."

With no warning, a familiar silver colored Gremory Family magic circle appeared on the floor behind Sona and Tsubaki. Flecks of light emerged as Grayfia slowly appeared.

"It's almost time..." She informs. "I hope you're ready for this my lady."

"Yes. We're ready whenever you are." Rias claimed.

"In a few moments, we'll use a magic circle to transport you and the rest of your team to the battlefield." The silver haired maid informed.

I grimaced at the mere mention of teleportation circles. "Again with the teleportation circles?" I asked, only to sigh as I closed my small journal aggressively. "Great..." I groan. "And speaking of battlefield, where is it?"

"In a neutral alternate space, created just for the game. Because it's not real, we have full license to do some damage. Even burn it to the ground if we want." Akeno giggled.

'Great. Thanks, that totally doesn't sound creepy at all.' I thought awkwardly.

"I'll be in the Student Council broadcast booth calling the game. We'll be cheering you on." The bespectacled devil assured. "Good luck." She wished before she approached Artoria. "Artoria, we've been informed of your situation and you're than welcome to join us if you'd like." She offered.

Artoria looked over to me worriedly, and I simple nodded to her signifying it was okay. "Thank you Madam Sitri, I'd love to join you." She thanked as she rose out of her seat and bowed to me. "Master, please do your best."

"Plannin' on it." I shrugged with a sly smile.

"Kiba, remember everything we practiced and you'll be just fine." Artoria preached.

"Right!" Kiba declared proudly.

"Thanks for everything Sona." Rias thanked. "Just try to keep the play-by-play fair." She said playfully.

"Oh, I'll keep it clean..." Sona said as she jerked her head back. "Though if I was a betting girl, I'd say you're gonna beat the scumbag seven ways from Sunday." She claimed in cold tone, earning a chuckle out of my master before she left with Artoria.

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