Ch. 17: The Familiar Forest

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ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

"Victory!!" Cheered all of the ORC members as they clink their glasses in celebration for their victory over the Sitri Peerage.

"I want you to know, I'm thankful to each and every one of you for going out there and doing what needed to be done to beat those devils. I hope you guys feel very proud." Rias said with such pride and gratitude.

"I'll be honest, I can't help but feel like I didn't do a whole lot." (Y/N) said modestly. "I really wish I could've done more." He added, feeling a bit disappointed in himself.

"Dude are you for real?" Kiba exclaimed. "You took out most of their team members in one shot, and you even made headbands." He said, holding up one of the headbands (Y/N) had made for the team. "They're pretty rad, man." He complemented.

"Totes." Akeno chimmed in.

"Yeah! They really brought our team together!" Asia added.

Koneko however just smiled and nodded in agreement to all of the other complements.

Issei suddenly grabbed(Y/N)'s hands and grew a stupid smile on his face. "For real man! I don't want to sound gay or anything, but if you were a hot chick, I'd totally make out with you right now!" He proclaimed, making the (H/C) young devil uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't even give you the chance so back off now before you get hurt." He threatened.

"I hate to break up the celebration, but I think it's time we go get these three a few familiars." Rias said, prompting Akeno to summon a teleportation circle.

"Wait, you mean we're getting them right now?" Asia asks, completly caught off guard.

"And by teleportation circle? Damn it!" (Y/N) grimmiced.

"Full moon tonight, this is our best shot to see him." Rias informed.

"See who?" Issei asked Rias.

"The Familiar Master." She added.

Everyone stepped into the teleportation circle, (Y/N) went in a little hesitantly, and they vainish to their destination.

Familiar Forest

Everyone rematerialized out of the magic circle, only to find themselves in a burnt out forest where every tree looked as though like they had been burnt, leaving behind the charcoaled wood behind. However, what was more unsettling was the fact that the sky was blood red.

However, upon arriving, one devil's body felt an unsettling tingling sensation through his whole body, causing him to shake and scream as he fell to the ground, completly paralyzed.

"Damn it! Every! Time!" He shouted.

"Oh no, (Y/N) are you okay?" Asia asked worriedly.

"I'll...I'll be okay." He replied, struggling to even move his body. "Just...need a minute." (Y/N) said as he tried to pick his body up off the ground, magaging to slowly but surely rising back onto his feet. "I'm good. So uh..." He gulped. "Where are we?"

"Duh, a magical forest where all the familiars live." Akeno informed, making it sound as though it should have been obvious.

"Don't be scared, this is where we came to get ours too." Kiba claimed, trying to put the newbie devil's worries at ease.

Koneko nodded at the blonde's comment.


"Yeah, I guess. I mean besides the fact that I just pissed myself." Issei muttered, grossing out (Y/N) slightly, but at the same time making him agree. 

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