Ch. 19: How Are Things?

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Kuoh City Shopping District

3rd Person POV

As promised by (Y/N), both he and Kohaku wandered around the middle of town as Kohaku requested after yesterday's Slime Castle incident.

Needless to say, the White God Beast seemed rather happy about it. "Wow!" She beamed. "There's so much happening in such a large space!"

"Yeah, it's gets like this pretty much all the time. Especially on weekends." (Y/N) replied as he continued to hold Kohaku in his arms.

Suddenly, out of nowhere his phone rang. He reached into is pocket and pulled it out to see it was a text from his manager. "Oh, this is a surprise. Haven't heard from him in quite a while." He states with a small smile.

"What is it Master?" Kohaku asks, naturally curious.

"Oh nothing. We just got to swing by my work for a quick minute. That okay with you?" He asked.

"Of course, where are we going?" The white tiger asked.

"You see that massive building over there?" He said, pointing to the tallest building that stood above all of the others that surrounded it. It appeared to be a missive high rise building with a helipad off to the side and the word 'Stark' plastered on the near top of the building. "That's were we're heading. Stark Records."

Time Skip

Stark Records

The two arrive at the building and enter through the large glass doors, held open by a masculine African-American man.

"Welcome back Mr. (L/N). It's good to see you again." He greeted.

"Same to you Jerome, nice to see you again." He smiled back.

He placed Kohaku on the ground and the two walked to the receptionist's desk.

"Hey there Megan, Tony said he needed me to talk to him. Can you give me clearance?" (Y/N) asked the black haired girl behind the counter.

"Mr. Stark is currently on a call at the moment and ordered not to be disturbed." She informed bluntly, denying the young devil access.

"Come on Meg, we do this every single time." (Y/N) whined.

Megan still didn't budge.

(Y/N) let out an annoyed sigh and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his smart phone and scrolled through his messages to find the message his manager had sent him. 'If you got a minute, come to my office.' It said.

"Here, read it and weep Meg." (Y/N) slightly goaded as he showed the message to the stubborn receptionist.

She glanced at it for a brief moment and sighed. She typed the keys on her keyboard vigorously and handed (Y/N) a pass. The glass doors off to the side of the desk opened. "You may enter. Just don't take up Mr. Stark's time. It's precious." She practically growled.

"Hey, he contacted me fist lady, don't give me no sass." (Y/N) snapped back as he clipped the pass onto his jacket. He knelt down to Kohaku and pet her on the head. "Okay, I'll only be gone for a bit. Try and stay out of sight and don't cause any trouble or draw attention 'kay?" He asked as he pet the small tiger.

"Understood Master, you can count on me!" Kohaku replied.

(Y/N) smiled and proceeded to walk to the other side of the glass doors as Kohaku went over to the waiting area.

He pushed the button on the elevator and the door opened, allowing him to step inside and proceed to the top floor. Once arriving, he walked to the end of the hall and was met by two big doors, which he proceeded to nock on.

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