Ch. 24: Final Push! Escape the Tomb!

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3rd Person POV

The battle was finally over. The hulking mad beast warrior had finally been slain. As the tension of the hard fought battle died down, both Akeno and Rias carried the barely conscious Dragon Emperor towards the exit.

"See? This is exactly why I told you not to fight anymore." Rias scolded.

"H-Hey, it's not like this h-hasn't happened to me b-before." (Y/N) laughed through the pain. "B-Besides, being so close to death isn't r-really anything new to me."

"What are you talking about?" Rias asked, feeling confused by what her servant had just said.

"Don't worry about it. I think having s-so much of my energy used up is m-making me a little crazy." (Y/N) tiredly explained. "By the way...a-anybody else see that peacock over their playing the tambourine?"

"I'm starting to think the blows you took transferred to your brain and are causing you to act like a little weird." Rias stated worriedly.

"I don't know about any of th-that stuff, b-but when did that giant sheep get in here?"

"...Akeno, how's the healing process coming?" She asked, growing more and more concerned by the growing state of her servant.

"It's taking a lot longer than I thought." Replied the raven-haired shrine maiden. "Seems like he used up too much of his own life energy in the last battle."

"Anybody else craving corn dogs right now? I could totally go for taking down one of those giant walking corndogs and having some right now." (Y/N) stated casually, his condition clearly not getting any better through Akeno's healing magic.

"Okay, it's official. My favorite servant has now become a complete moron." Rias facepalmed.

"Lady Rias, please refrain from insulting my Master from his current condition." Artoria scowled as she walked closer to her, seemingly insane Master.

"I'm sorry. Hey, I know this is a little much to ask seeing as how we just met but can you heal (Y/N) as you did before?" Rias asks Artoria.

The blonde knight shook her head in denial. "I'm sorry, but in the last unified attack I performed with Master caused me to use up all of my magical energy as well. My apologies." The knight regretfully down in shame.

"It's fine, but now it just means that we'll have to move faster and get him to Asia. Hopefully, she's recovered by now. Maybe Kohaku can heal him too." Rias suggests.

"Can Kohaku heal?" Akeno asked in uncertainty.

"It's just a hunch, but given the superiority of Kohaku over other familiars, it'd be possible. And not to mention she did hypnotize us, so underestimating her would be bad judgment," Rias explains.

"TWINKIES!" (Y/N) cried suddenly, causing him to cough up a massive amount of blood in the process. "Oh, God." He groaned.

"Yeah, I think we should start running before this gets any more out of control." Akeno suggests fearing about how much longer (Y/N) could hang on for his life.

"Here, allow me to carry him the rest of the way." Artoria requested the other girls.

"Thanks, we would really appreciate it." Rias says passing the fading devil to Artoria. "We'll continue to heal him as we go." The Crimson Haired Princess of Ruin suggested as her and Akeno's hands became engulfed in the green healing light.

"I suggest we wait for such actions." Artoria suggested.

"But why? He's in pain!" Rias yelled angrily at her suggestion.

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