Ch. 2: Taking a Chance

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(Y/N)'s POV

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. This girl, did she just ask me what I think she did? To be her boyfriend? 'I should ask her one more time, just to make sure I heard her right.' I thought. "I-I'm sorry, don't know if I heard you right so would you mind repeating yourself one more time, please?" I asked in a confused tone.

"S-Sorry, I-It's just...I was just wondering if I could ask you a question. Are you seeing anyone right now?" She asked in a most honest and sweet voice.

" Why?" I asked curiously.

'Like I don't already know that answer.' I thought, slightly irritated.

"That's wonderful." She smiled happily.

"Huh? It is?"

"Uh...In that case...Since you're single..."

'Oh boy, I know where this is going.' My mind already predicted the outcome of this conversation.

"Do you think you'd like to go out with me?"

She said it, she actually said it. I wasn't hallucinating before. This is actually happening! I was still trying to gather the fact that some girl I've never even seen before just asked me out.

"Go out with you?... Um, I..." I began to speak but the words simply wouldn't come out.

"I've been watching. You pass by here a lot, and every time you always look at the sky a lot and you seem, I dunno, gentle." She explains her reasons shyly as she looked to the ground, avoiding eye contact.

'This...This cannot be happening to me right now. Why now of all times?!' I scream to myself in anger. Not because of this girl, but because of me and what I have to go through.

"See, the thing is-" Yuma quickly perked her head up and looked directly at me, causing me to jump in surprise. "I'd like for you to be my boyfriend!" She yelled so loud, her voice reached the sky. Not only that, but my ears as well.

'I honestly don't know what to say to this girl. I'm really flattered.' I thought to myself as I couldn't speak a single word to her. But...

I dropped my shocked face and looked at her with my serious expression, in hopes that she'll understand what I'm about to say. "Listen, you seem like a very nice girl..." The moment I said this, she smiled so happily. "But..." I continued, causing her to look at me with shock in her eyes. "The thing is, I'm not really interested in something like a relationship right now. Besides, if you got together with me-" I turned my back to her, not wanting to show my face full of disappointment. "You'd only get hurt." I could tell she was shocked, I could hear her gasp in sadness. "I'm sorry." The moment I said that, I began to walk away.

Yuma remained silent, simply standing there from what I could tell. The only footsteps I could hear were my own.

"I-" she spoke, and I stopped. "I understand." I turned around and saw her bowing in my direction. "I'm sorry to have dropped all this on you. Please forgive me." She slowly turned and walked away.

I simply watch as she walks away, ever so slowly. I begin to head my way as well, but that's when I hear something I wished I didn't...Crying.

I turned around and noticed that she was crying.

'What have I done? I made a girl cry, I shot her down because I didn't want her to get involved with a guy like me!' I yelled at myself. 'Poor girl. She probably had to work up the courage to even try this.' I felt so ashamed of myself. I had to do something. So I did, I ran after her. "Wait!" I called. "Hold on a second please!"

She turned towards me with tears in her eyes.

"Here." I pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her so she could dry her eyes. "Listen, I feel really bad about just turning you down like that without even giving it a second thought. I guess I was just scared of what might happen if things played out like I thought." The moment I said this, Yuma looked at me surprised. "And I honestly don't know how good I'd be at this whole dating thing...So how about this, we go on a date and see how things turn out? Does that seem fair?" I gave her a questioned look, her eyes however widened at my suggestion.

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