NEW Ch. 51: I'll Destroy the Holy Sword!!

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ORC Headquarters

3rd Person POV

Irina jumped high into the air. "Amen!"

"Issei, move!" (Y/N) barked.

The Red Dragon Emperor just barely evaded Irina's attack, only to have his uniform cut. "Dude, what the hell; that was dangerous!" He said. "I thought this was a friendly fight!"

"Oh, to return to my hometown only to be forced to kill one of my oldest friends." She said with a rather disturbing smile on her face. "Alas, Fate can be so cruel!" She proclaimed.

"You're not supposed to be trying to kill anyone, Irina!" (Y/N) said sternly.

The twin-tailed brunette looked to her fiancé in surprise. She laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her head. "Right. Sorry, my bad!"

"Issei, try and avoid her direct attacks!" Rias advised."

"Yeah. That is the plan. Thanks!" He snapped as he raised his power once more.


"The Azure and Red Dragon Emperor's Dragon Hands? That with Asia Argento's Twilight Healing, your Sword Birth and the Blades of Order. You devils certainly have a fair amount of the pagan sacred treasures." Xenovia claimed.

"I have another power." Said Kiba. "One that comes from the grudges of my fallen comrades." He declared as he drew one of the many surrounding swords. "With this power, I will destroy all the Excaliburs!" He declared as he rushed to Xenovia and began slashing away at her sword as she defended from his attacks. "And along with them, I will annihilate their wielders!!"

As Kiba and Xenovia continued their clash, Rias along with her remaining servants with the addition of Beerus and Whis simply continued to watch.

"Just being touched by a Holy Sword can injure a devil." Akeno claimed. "They're at a huge disadvantage."

"Kiba can manage with speed, but Issei..." Rias looked over to see him being able to evade and block with his Sacred Gear, knocking Irina back in surprise. "Actually, that sword doesn't seem to be bothering him that much."

"Or at all." Akeno added.

"You can thank Ddraig for that." (Y/N) claimed.

The others looked to him in confusion.

"While it's true he's improved, he still doesn't have a whole lot of combat experience. A Dragon Emperor's Sacred Gear is as strong in defense as it is in their offensive capabilities. Even though he didn't sacrifice his arm to the Dragon within, that left hand of his is as strong as real Dragon scales when his Sacred Gear's deployed." He explained. "Still, Irina's been training probably her whole life. I'm sure she'll figure out a way to either break or get around his defenses."

Irina stared at Issei and began to pout. "You're way too simple to be that impertinent!" She said.

"Whatever that means, you're gonna regret it!" Issei declared. "Know why? Because I'm gonna make you pay hard core! Besides, I never miss out on boobs!"


(Y/N) slapped his head with his palm in disbelief.

Beerus simply laughed at the pervert's declaration. "I can't believe he really said that out loud! Man, that kid's a freaking riot!!"

"Please don't encourage him." The Azure Dragon Emperor begged.

Issei suddenly grew a lecherous grin.

(Y/N) and Koneko immediately noticed it.

Azure Dragon Emperor: High School DxD X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now