R&R Ch. 44: The Behemoth Stray

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Alistor, Duscae

3rd Pearson POV

"Rias, this stray...How much detail were you given in relation to it and this mission?" (Y/N) questioned through his phone.

"Not much I'm afraid." She admitted. "We were handed the mission down from the archduke, and not even he was able to get much information from the client." She added. "All he was told that it was a giant monster that's been tearing and decimating the town, killing anyone that it saw. It appeared to be feeding and would leave after awhile. Apparently this has been happening for the past week."

This sudden news shocked (Y/N). He sighed and rubbed his hand against his face. "And they didn't report this earlier why?" He asked.

"Chances are they were too traumatized from the first encounter to even think of anyone being able to help." Rias replied. "(Y/N)...are you sure you can handle this?" She asked with worry.

(Y/N) remained silent, looking back at the bloodied and broken gate. "Looking around, there's a lot of carnage here. And I've faced things much worse that what we've seen so far. But for now, we don't know what we're going up against." He admitted, his eyes growing determined. "If anything, we can try and do some recon. The least we can do is try and gauge it and try and weaken it. If things look bad we'll pull back, try and contain it if it tries to follow. Hopefully we can find the source of the magical energy disappearance at the same time."

"Okay..." Rias sounded reluctant. "Please, be careful." She pleaded. "You make sure every single one of you comes home. Understood?"

(Y/N) smirked. "Understood, Master!"

Rias sighed in relief. "Okay. Good luck, dear." She said before ending the call.

(Y/N) put his phone on silent before putting it back into his pocket as he approached the group. "Okay everyone, listen up!" He gained the attention of his fellow devils. "We're going into this fairly blind. We don't know what to expect so stay on your guard at all costs. Our objective for now it to find the stray and follow it back to its nest. We'll try an gauge it's capabilities if a fight is unavoidable. At the same time, we'll be looking for the source of magical energy that disappeared. But above all , if we have to retreat, we can not allow this thing to follow us back to the town and put more people at risk. We'll find a way to contain it if that happens. Understood?"

"Right!" Everyone replied.

"Okay then, let's set up communication and head in." Kiba advised, conjuring communication orbs within his hand, having each one float to everyone.

"Oh hey, communication things from the Rating Game. These'll make contact easier if we end up getting separated." (Y/N) smiled as the red orb floated into his ear.

As the devils prepared to enter the forest, a loud, powerful blood thirsty roar erupted from deep within the forestry, shaking everything like a disastrous earthquake.

As everyone continued to panic and scream from the terrifying earth shaking the devils stared into the forest with determined gazes.

All but one...

"Welp, I'm out!" Issei blurted, turning around and attempting to head back into town.

(Y/N) quickly grabbed the brunette by the collar of his shirt, holding him back and preventing him from running away. "Come on."

"No way man! You know the second I see that thing I'm gonna scream like a girl and you won't let me live it down!" Issei replied as he flailed around in attempt to break free.

"One: no you won't. Two: no I won't." (Y/N) replied.

"I will." Koneko said with her hand raised.

"SEE?!" Issei waved his flat hand at Koneko to emphasize his point.

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