R&R Ch. 40: Highway Star

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Elahnay City

3rd Person POV

Rain poured heavily down onto the seemingly empty streets of Elahnay City in the dead of night.

An unknown man ran over to a nearby eave to catch his breath and hope for the rain to stop. However, as he approached, the man spotted a woman standing by herself, coated in a cloak that concealed her face.

Reaching the nearby cover, the bespectacled man sighed in relief. "This rain sucks, doesn't it?" He asked the woman by his side, only to receive no response. "So, who you waiting for?" He asked, making an attempt to pick up this unknown woman. "Your boyfriend? Your husband?" He leaned over to get a look at the woman's face. "You'll freeze to death if you hang around here." He advised, his gaze slowly making its way up the woman's toned legs. "Hey, why don't you forget your boyfriend and come with me? I'll find us a warm place. I can buy you a nice dinner." He offered eagerly.

Although the woman remained silent, she nodded in agreement.

"Good answer little lady!" The man beamed in excitement, watching the woman walk off. "H-Hey! W-Wait up!" He cried, reopening his umbrella as he followed after her.

Abandoned Warehouse

The man laughed upon entering the rusted and worn down building, hearing echoes through the entire metal compound. "What's going on in here?" He asked, looking around. "There's nothing here." He claimed.

"Is that what you think?" The woman finally spoke to the man. Walking over to the nearby closet, she opened the door, only for a skull to roll out from the massive pile within and onto the floor.

The man stared at the bone and was shaken. "Wh-What's going on here?" He asked in a panic.

"Why, have you forgotten?" The cloaked woman asked as she approached the frightened man. "That's so insensitive of you..." She claimed, looking back at the skull. "Considering you're the very man responsible for this." She accused, causing the man to look at her with bewilderment and fear. "Recently, there have been a string of women gone missing in Elahnay City. Each one of them was picked up by some guy and treated to dinner, then spent a night with him at a hotel, and ultimately went missing when he brought them to this abandoned building."

The man scoffed and smiled, doing his best to keep his composure. "Oh come on, you think I did this?" He asked. "Give me a break." He shifted his shades. "Do I look like the kind of human being who would do something like that?"

"You don't look like a human being." She replied with an intense glare from her red-eye.

The man began to shift and change his appearance, transforming into a giant black and white monster. Taking a swing at his intended prey with his massive claw, he missed as he ripped the cloak she wore to shreds.

As the black-haired bobbed cut woman reached from around her black miniskirt and pulled out a CZ-75 pistol. Smiling confidently, she shot the stray devil twice in the chest.

Watching blood flow endlessly out of the strays' monstrous white body, she smirked as she guarded the next oncoming attack. "I prefer you in this form." She said.

The stray devil roared, swiping its massive claws only to knock the pistol out of the hunters' hand.

Landing her backflip, the Devil Hunter pulled out two more firearms, a VZ.61 Scorpion submachine gun and another CZ-75, immediately opening fire on the monster, riddling the creature with blood flowing holes and blowing off limbs, the Devil Hunter reduced the monster into nothing but a smoking pile of monstrous flesh.

After the woman's dance of bloodshed and flying bullets had concluded, clapping echoed through the hollow walls of the abandoned compound.

"Wow! That was really cool! A wonderful performance! You're a real Devil Hunter, no doubt!" An unknown boy in the distance praised enthusiastically.

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