NEW Ch. 59: What's Next?

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s Home

Nearly all the residents were fully rested and somewhat energized following the events of the previous night after last.

Rias, Asia, and Tohru proceeded to make a hearty breakfast for the whole house. Yet something was off.

"Where's Artoria? She's usually the first one at the table." Asked Rias.

"Miss Artoria said she wasn't feeling well when I went to wake her. She said she was going to sleep in a bit longer." Tohru replied.

"Well, given what happened yesterday and what she did, I'm not surprised." Claimed Siris. "Let's hope her magical energy recovers. She used a lot on that bitch from yesterday."

"Yeah. I mean, worst-case scenario, (Y/N) can just transfer some of his to her." Isabela claimed with a sly smirk.

"I don't think he's in any real condition to do that right now." Siris replied bluntly.

"Speaking of, has anyone seen him?" Asia asked.

"I went to wake him up, he should've been down by now." Claimed the Dragon Maid. She removed her food from the stove and plated it quickly. "I'll go check on him." She said, making her way to the stairs. However, just as she reached the doorway, she was stopped upon seeing the one she went to retrieve. Not dressed in his uniform, however, but dressed in casual jeans, a simple t-shirt, and a hoodie.

"Hey. Morning Tohru." He replied, sounding completely exhausted.

"M-Morning Master (Y/N)." She replied, surprised by her master's tired appearance.

""Master" this time?" He questioned his calling.

"Lady Grayfia said to try out different terms to see which one fits with you best." She explained. "So? Which one do you like more?"

"Whichever doesn't make me feel like an old man. Anything is fine." He replied tiredly.

Tohru looked to his master's hand that was tightly gripping the edges of the doorframe, trying to hold himself up.

"Sir, are you okay?" She asked, concerned.

"Y-Yeah. Still a little sore from yesterday." He assured with a small and pained smile.

"I...I see." She accepted, simply keeping an eye on him as he made his way to the table.

Everyone immediately saw his condition and immediately grew concerned.

"Sweetie, you look exhausted. Did you get any sleep last night?" Asked Rias.

"No. No, I did not. I feel about as tired as I probably look. I'll try and take it easy today." He said, taking a seat at the table.

"Are you sure you should be up? Why not take a day and rest? You went through a lot last night." Asia claimed.

"I need to talk to Chisato about some stuff regarding yesterday. I'm hoping she might know something. After that, I'll be coming back home and rest." He said. "Thank you for the food." He said before eating what he could in his state.

Rias and the others continued to look at the young devil surprised and somewhat shocked.

"What?" He questioned the surprised gazes.

"You're actually gonna rest?" Isabela asked.

"Yeah?" The young devil replied with a raised brow.

"The boy who's constantly training and working himself to the bone is actually gonna take some time to himself?!" Rias jabbed playfully.

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