FATE Ch: 62: Fateful Night

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s House

The crack of morning. The sun just peaking of the mountainside of Kuoh City. The indicator for many early risers to wake and begin their day. (Y/N) was accustomed to such a sight and mindset of "the early bird gets the worm".

He slipped on a short-sleeve compression shirt of his dark green training gi pants.

As he dressed, the Dragon within was still trying to continue to analyze his host's internal magic circuit system. <Looks like everything is back to normal. And then some. You have quite a few more ley-lines for magical energy than before. Unfortunately, your pools are rather empty at the moment. So keep making those potions to refill them.> He instructed.

"That was the plan." The devil replied, tightening the black-colored belt around his waist. "I don't think simply waiting and good night's sleep is gonna bring that back anytime soon."

<Agreed. I still can't believe the system had to have a total reset. That hasn't happened in a really long time. But, it is what it is.> The Dragon accepted. <That being said, even if you can't use magic, you should hone your other self-defensive tactics.>

"Again. Way ahead of you." Claimed the host, sliding on a single, black fingerless glove with knuckle reinforcement. The other wouldn't fit on his Dragon claw.

<Oh? That so? What did you have in mind?>


After his stretches, (Y/N) opened the case Chisato gave him and look out one of the stone stakes. He looked carefully at the item and saw the dial. 'Chisato said these things had levels. To adjust them I just turn the thing up here?' He questioned, following through on his thought and turned the arrow on the dial to III, or 3. He tossed it to the ground and it landed straight up.

An orange-colored magic circle emerged and glowed. From within the light, eight humanoid-shaped golems emerged and stood motionless as the light faded.

"Alright. Guess this is a good way to start." He donned a fighting stance. 'Here's hoping I haven't regressed in the time I took off.' He hoped, charging at one of the golems.

The golems suddenly came to life and spread out aside from one. The one charged at (Y/N) and swung its fist, missing as the devil ducked down.

(Y/N) shot his fist forward, cracking the golem's chest area greatly as it staggered back. (Y/N) ran after it and spin-kicked it in the head, sending it to the ground.

Two more golems ran to the sides then straight for the young devil, both throwing a punch.

(Y/N) caught them both out of the corners of his eyes. He grabbed the arms of the assaulting golems and redirected the attacks, causing them to hit each other. He palmed one under the chin and kicked the other back. Grabbing the head of one and hooking the other on his foot, he spun in the air with them both and flung them to the ground, both of the heads shattering into stone upon impact.

One golem attempted to land a dive kick on the devil with his back turned, but it was caught bull the azure-colored claw and thrown to another.

'Looks like my physical strength is back now.' He thought as he watched a golem try to side-swipe his face, only to miss and he leaned back. 'My reflexes seem fine too. Though, this might be a good time to try and practice more with my Dragon eye.' (Y/N) suddenly heard the sound of heavy thumps on the ground coming closer. He jerked his head and saw what was coming at him.

The remaining golems charged at the devil in a wave.

(Y/N) watched, only to close his eyes and focus his mind and magical energy to a singular point on his body. Opening his right eye, his yellow dragonic eye glowed to life. His sight became a pale blue and everything within his line of sight came to a crawl. He would see the trajectory of the oncoming attacks, projected at red waves that moved faster than the sender. 'So this is Dragon's Sight. I knew how it worked, but to actually experience it. It's an entirely different thing. It's still so surreal.' He clenched his claw and fist. 'Let's see how accurate it still is!'

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