Ch. 8: The Wicked Preist

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ORC Headquarters

(Y/N)'s POV

After we had slain the stray devil, the Occult Research Club returned to the club room to resume their normal duties. I was about to head on home because I was tired from the amount of magical power I used in the last fight, but I was stopped by Rias.

"(Y/N), do you have a minute?" She asked, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Yes? What is it?" I replied casually.

"Koneko is overloaded with summoning request this evening, think you can handle one before you head home tonight?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. No problem." I replied, not wanting to upset my master by saying no.

"Thanks." Koneko thanked bluntly.

I simply smiled and patted her on the head, which she looked slightly surprised by. "Sure thing, you just handle what you can tonight. After a fight like that, you can't really afford to push yourself too hard, huh?" I asked while giving a comforting smile.

Koneko blushed lightly and continued eating her hamburger. I just laughed lightly and proceeded to leave. But before I opened the door, Rias stopped me.

"Here's the address." She said as she handed me a strip of white paper. "Also, please try and stay out of trouble."

I chuckled at her ridiculous-sounding request. "I don't go looking for trouble, trouble happens to find me. So I make no promises." I claimed before using whatever magical power I had left to teleport away to my destination.

Normal Looking House

I looked at the house and then the piece of paper with the address of the requester. "This's gotta be the place." I claimed to myself before walking to the front. I ring its doorbell and waited a bit until it was too long. After about 15 minutes of waiting, I had had enough.

"What's taking so long?" I ask, slightly irritated. I went to knock on the door, only for it to creak open.  "The door's not locked. In no way is that safe." I criticized as I proceed to enter the house. "Um hello? Anybody home?" I asked in hopes of getting a response, but nothing. "Your door was unlocked so I ju- agh!" Just then, my body began to feel strange. Almost the exact same sensation I felt when I saw the town's church earlier today. "What the hell was that?!" I groaned in strain, slowly subsiding as time passed.

I continued to look inside the house, I quickly noticed the small crack of light coming from one of the rooms down the hallway. "Don't freak out, but I'm coming in!" I called out. As I continued through the hallway, I eventually made it to the room. The house was cold and dark, felt just like winter minus the snow. But the single lit up room was eerily warm but dark in most.

"Mood lighting? Kinda weird, not gonna lie." I said feeling somewhat uncomfortable. I then proceeded to enter the room further until I stepped in something, something wet and warm. "GAH!" I yelled as I hopped on one foot trying to while the wet warm liquid off of my sock. "Great, nothing better than wet socks. Damn it, this blows." I griped. As I wipe my fingers against each other, I brought them closer to my face to get a better look inside this incredibly dark room. I noticed it was dark red, and felt very familiar.

"The hell? Is this...blood?" I questioned myself nervously. As I examined the trail of blood on the floor that can front of me laid piles of chunks of meat and bones in a large pool of blood. I nearly lost my myself before my stomach began to churn, in reaction I quickly covered my mouth. "Holy shit." I gagged, doing everything in my power not to throw up.

"Punish the wicked. Words to live by." A voice emitted from within the same room. I turned to the source of the voice seeing a man with grey hair sitting on the couch. "Yes...Wise advice to heed from a holy man." He turned and faced me with a wicked smile on his face. He stands up from the couch and begins making his way towards me.

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