Ch. 22: Monster of the Tomb

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N) pulled as hard as he could to pry open the entrance on the opposite side of the room he and the ORC has been trapped in.

"GAH!" He grimaced as he shook his hands, trying to shake off the pain. "It's no good, that thing's not moving an inch anytime soon."

"Oh no, what are we gonna do?" Asia asked in worry.

"How's the teleportation circle coming?" He asked the Queen of the Gremory Peerage.

"...No good. I can't bring out a single iota of magic in the confines of this place." Akeno replied in a defeated tone.

"You guys think this place might have some kind of magic sealing spell or something?" Kiba pondered as he searched around the room for another way out.

"It is likely. That would be the most plausible explanation as to why we can't even detect our own magical energy." Rias inquired.

"So the only way out is that door that just popped up from the ground?!" Issei whined.

"Fan-fucking-tastic..." (Y/N) grimaced as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He let out a deep sigh and slowly started making his way to the door. "Well, much like the movie 'As Above So Below', the only way up is to go down. So let's go." He dug through his pocket and brought out a lighter and flicked it on, illuminating the dark staircase inside the door, but only a little bit.

"Wait, you can't be serious!" Issei boomed as he saw everyone follow (Y/N) through the door way. "Can someone please answer me?!" Nobody answered. "GUYS?!"

"Come on Issei, get a move on!" (Y/N) shouted as it echoed through the doorway.

Issei gave up and ran after the others and descended down the dark staircase like the rest of the ORC. As he did, the door was began to slowly close behind them, with no possible way of reopening again.

Time Skip

Down and down they go, through the seemingly endless staircase. As the ORC continued to travel down, (Y/N) and the others began to feel the presence of something familiar reappear within them.

"Hey, did anybody else feel that?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah, I can feel my magical energy. It's back." Kiba cheered.

"Nice!" (Y/N) boomed excitedly. He closed his eyes, appearing to try and focus on something. After a while, he let out a heavy sigh of defeat. "Damn, still can't teleport." He groaned. "Akeno, can you, and I can't believe I'm asking this, summon a teleportation circle?" He asked begrudgingly.

"I'll try." She responded. She stretched out her hands and closed her magenta colored eyes and focused her magical energy into summoning a teleportation circle.

"It's no good, I can't seem to bring one out." She says.

"I see, so as we go down our magic returns but teleportation is still not allowed." Rias pondered.

"Seems like it." (Y/N) agreed.

"It kinda sounds like the last room to a boss level in video game." Issei gushes excitedly.

"Nerd." Koneko jotted.

"Hey I'm the only one who thinks so! Right (Y/N)?"

"Yeah that nerd doesn't speak for me." (Y/N) stated casually.

"Come on man, you're supposed to have my back!" Issei cried.

"Whatever." (Y/N) grunted as he turned off his lighter and put it away. He then summoned his Oath Maker in replacement of the lighter and illuminated a larger deal of the staircase hallway. They proceeded further downwards, hoping to find the exit.

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