FATE Ch: 72: Presage Flower

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3rd Person POV

First Floor Bathroom

"...O-Okay." (Y/N) replied sheepishly. "I-If it's okay. I'll...join you."

Sakura Matou's eyes glistened, shining to life. "Y-Yes. Please, come in." She welcomed.

(Y/N), with a towel firmly wrapped around his waist, sat down at the faucet and ran cold water. Filling a basin, he immediately poured it on himself to keep himself and his urges suppressed as he began to clean himself. 'KEEP IT TOGETHER!!!' He mentally roared. 'You're just taking a bath with an old friend you haven't seen in years. Who grew up...into...a very...very...beautiful young woman...' He made a sublet look at Sakura, who seemed like she was positioned to display more of her womanly figure. He felt his blood rushing to a part of his body. He quickly poured more water onto himself to counteract it. 'HOLD IT THE FUCK TOGETHER DAMN IT!!!' He heaved heavily, getting up and making his way to the bathtub. "Can I..." He spoke, averting his eyes as to not look down and see Sakura's bare naked body from the crystal clear water. "Can I come in?"

"O-Oh! Y-Yes, of course!" She shuffled over to the side, making room for her Senpai to join her in the warm water.

"Thanks." He carefully made his way inside, avoiding looking at Sakura as much as possible before he lowered himself into the comforting and revitalizing water.

The two sat there for, what felt like, ever. The thick tension slowed time to a crawl. Sitting in awkward silence with their flushed faces. 'This is awkward.' They both acknowledged mentally.

'What do I do?' Sakura mentally panicked. 'I know I invited him in, but now we're just sitting here, in the bath, practically naked! What do I-' She huffed with confidence, remembering something she read a while back in a magazine. 'No, stay calm. You can do this, Sakura! Remember what the article said. Most guys like it when women are assertive, but not too assertive. If the partner is nervous, try and make them feel comfortable. Talk to them. Take their mind off things. Slowly ease into the situation!' She clenched her fists readily in the water, a determined look on her face and a fire in her eyes. 'I CAN DO THIS!!!'

<Dude, why are you being such a pussy?> Asked the inner Dragon.

'What're you talking about? I'm just...trying to take a bath. With an old friend, I've known since elementary school. Nothing wrong with that...Not trying to make things uncomfortable in the least!' He assured.

<And you're doing a marvelous job at it.> He sarcastically assured, sighing with exasperation. <Have you even noticed the situation you're in?>

'I have.'

<And you're not even going to make a move?!>

'Probably not.'

Starvlador began growling in frustration. <But have you thought that she might WANT you to do something?>

'Given how she looked when Gilgamesh found her last night and the condition of her aura, I highly doubt the thing she needs right now is to be objectified.' He assured.

<Don't think of it as "objectifying". Think of it as... "Sensual Comforting".> He tried to reason.

'I'm not doing that.' He declared firmly.

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