Ch. 18: Castle of Slimes

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Unknown Canyon

(Y/N)'s POV

Another new day, another mission handed down by the archduke. Finally, some work to do after all the boring stuff these past few days! I was excited, but I was still left confused. More to the point as to why we were in some kind of canyon on a carriage going to our location. I was also confused by the current stated of Rias, Koneko and Asia, who all looked incredibly tired and exhausted. Akeno on the other hand looked chipper as usual. I wonder if it had anything to do with the mission. I bet they're still trying to recover from yesterday.

My curiosity got the better of me, so I scooted over to Akeno, who was sitting on my right and I leaned closer to her ear, hoping to ask some questions. "Hey, so why are we going to the mission location by carriage? As much as I hate to say it, couldn't we have just teleported there with a magic circle?" I shuttered at the thought of teleporting by magic circle again.

"Well sweetie, the thing is, our mission's location is protected by some form of barrier, and it seems to cover a majority of the area around it. Reports say that it's an ancient spell that had been recorded as impossible to break. Many have tried, but none had proven successful. So, as a resort, the only way to get to the location is by going through this canyon." She said with a smile.

"Okay, I get that. But why by carriage?" I asked.

"The terrain here is a little too unstable for any automotive vehicles, so carriage is the best way. Plus, it's way better than walking."

"I guess." I said with a sigh. "Now, on to you three." I added, mentioning the three girls who looked fairly unhappy. "What's the deal? Why do you three look so glum?" I asked. "Kohaku just joined the team. Try and show some enthusiasm." I said, directing the attention to the small white tiger I had been holding in my arms.

"I'm excited." She said. It was indeed Kohaku, but she had managed to turn herself smaller.

"Wait, that's Kohaku?" Rias asked in slight surprise. "Last time I saw Kohaku, they were huge. How'd it get so small?"



As I finished up writing some more songs for the concert in the next few months, I felt my new familiar's presence nearby. Kohaku suddenly entered my room and sat down on.

"Master." They called.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" I ask curiously.

"I've been giving this some thought, and, with your permission, I request that I stay by your side at all times." They asked.

This defiantly threw me off guard a bit. I wouldn't mind it really, but walking around everywhere with a White Tiger would probably lead to some unwanted attention and lots more problems. And what about school? I can't just walk in with a giant cat into the building for some random reason, that'd be one hell of a mess.

"I mean, I don't mind it. But it'd be a real problem if I just go start walking around with a White Tiger everywhere."

Kohaku hummed for a moment, as if they her thinking. Suddenly, a buff of smoke appeared out of this air and Kohaku had changed. Once a vicious White Tiger, now looking like an adorable little kitten. Oh my God, it was about the cutest thing I had ever laid eyes upon in my whole life. I picked her up and stared at the White Tiger cub.

"You're small, fluffy and adorable now and I love it." I said with a straight face before hugging Kohaku close to me as I began cuddling it. "You're small, cute, and huggable now. You're like a plushie I can have snuggles with."

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