NEW Ch. 52: Another Powerful Enemy Appears

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Kuoh City National Museum

3rd Person POV

Chisato Hasegawa continued through the empty halls of the museum to meet with an old colleague she had contacted to acquire materials in regards to (Y/N). As she continued down the Ancient Egyptian hall, she immediately sensed the lingering presence of magical energy. Most of which belonged to devils she knew. '(Y/N) and his friends must've been here on a summon request. This must've been when he was possessed by that perverted sorcerer.'

"Ah! Doctor Hasegawa!" Professor Nishimura called out, gaining the brunette's attention. "It's been far too long! Wonderful to see you again!" He smiled, offering his hand.

"Agreed. Far too long." She agreed, shaking his extended hand. "But, come on Rantaro, we went to collage together for years. Let's drop the formalities."

Professor Nishimura laughed. "I suppose you're right." He agreed. "Actually..." He began looking rather concerned and cautious. "I'm glad you contacted me when you did. I wanted to talk to you about something that has me rather worried."

"I see." Chisato replied as the began to walk and talk.

"Now, I'm sure this is not my place to say, but it's about that boy you're watching over. (Y/N), was his name, yes?"

"That's right." She confirmed.

"I see. Well, he just so happened to come here about a couple weeks ago with some friends of his and helped me with a problem we've been having with one of our recent finds." He explained.

"Sounds like something he'd do." She smiled.

"But that's not all...Chisato, I...I saw a mark on the boy's head. And, upon further inspection, I found it-"

"That's actually why I'm here." She interrupted.

The Professor looked to the Doctor in slight surprise. "I-It is?"

"Yes." She looked to her old friend with a determined gaze. "I came here for access to your archives. I need to make sure my theory is correct on something. And the content I need is within your archives."

"I-I see. Of course." He accepted. "Right this way." He said, guiding the young woman. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly are you looking for?" He asked.

"I need everything you have on The Seven Deadly Sins, The Ten Commandments, The Holy Kingdom: Liones, Purgatory...and The Demon King."

(Y/N)'s House

(Y/N) was in his room, looking into the case that held his old combat attire from his old line of work. "It's been a while since I wore this. Hope it still fits." He said.

A knocked erupted on his door.

"It's open!" He answered.

"Hey (Y/N)? Are you feeling okay?" Questioned Asia in worry.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be-?!" (Y/N) turned around and saw Asia rather alluring nurse's outfit. "A-Asia?!"

"So, what do you think?" She asked, fidgeting nervously. "Do you like this on me?"

(Y/N) simply stared in awe, completely captivated by Asia's attire and how well it suited her. From her body to her personality, they matched completely. "...Way more than I probably should-Wait, hold on! What are you doing; why are you wearing that?"

"Well, I thought you might still be a little upset after the duel yesterday. So I asked Aika for some advice on what to do. This is her idea; she thought wearing it would cheer you up." She explained.

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