Ch. 7: The Holy Sister

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s Neighborhood

The two people continued to stare at each other silently. One stared in curiosity, the other stared in utter wonder.

'What the hell is this?' (Y/N) asked himself. As soon as his eye stopped twitching, he decide to help her up. "Sorry for just standing there. Are you alright?" He asked with slight worry.

"Yeah...I'm okay, really." As the girl said this, a gust of wind breezed by and lifted her veil, giving a better look at the young woman's face which, in turn, led (Y/N) to stare at her with interest and infatuation.

'Whoa...' Was all he thought at this point.

"Are you alright?" The girl asked.

"What?" He asked confused. As he looked down, he realize was still holding her hand so he reeled it back and had an embarrassed expression on his face. "Sorry, um...I'm alright." He said weakly as he looked down. It grew quiet between the two, making the atmosphere awkward once more. But soon after, the veil of her attire flew off. (Y/N) noticed it and chanced after it. "I got it." He called as he ran after the veil, eventually catching it. When he did, he dusted it off and returned it then returned it to the blonde girl.

She gladly took it and put it back onto her head. "That was very sweet of you." She said happily.

"Well it doesn't hurt to be nice to others, even if they are strangers." (Y/N) said with a shrug of his shoulders, a smile on his face.

He noticed her blush as she stares at the ground and poking her index fingers together.

'Great, awkward silence again.' He thought.

"Since you say that..." She speaks up, catching his attention.

"What's up? Need help with something?"

"Well kinda." She admitted. "You see...I've lost my way. By chance, could you help me out?" She asked with a nervous smile.

"Of course." He smiled. "Here, let me carry that for you." (Y/N) walked over to her suitcase and picked it up, hanging it over his shoulder. "Probably the reason why you keep falling over, huh?" He asked with a slight smirk.

The blonde smiled happily and proceeded to walk next to the black and white haired boy.

As the two proceeded to walk together, (Y/N) wondered where exactly she was going, so he decided to ask her. "So where were your heading?"

"Oh, I was heading to the local church." She claimed.

Suddenly, it all made sense. A nun, the old church in town. (Y/N) felt rather dumb by the fact that he didn't realize it sooner. "Ah okay. So I take it you're here to help with the services they offer or something?"

"Yes, in fact I was just assigned there to replace of one the members. They told me one of the members there was found hung, charred to a crisp." She says with an upset tone in her voice.

'Jesus Christ!' He yelled to himself in shock and horror. "Oh wow, um...That's...That's horrible. But that explains the reason I guess. The attire too." He claimed, observing the girl's outfit. "You're a nun, right? Congrats." (Y/N) praised, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you. I'm so glad I ran into someone as kind as you. I guess someone really is watching out for me huh?" She said with an extremely happy smile.

"Yeah, seems like it." He returned her smile with one of his. But he eventually took notice of the small cross she wore around her neck, his right hand suddenly ached with a sharp pain. "Agh!" He winced lightly.

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