FATE Ch. 71: Peaceful Respite

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3rd Person POV

(Y/N)'s House

It was late into the afternoon, and the residents of the (L/N) house continued their day of leisure.

Rias simply sat on the living room couch, curled up with a book. Though, she was not alone. She looked over at the diner table and saw how intensely their guest was reading their romance manga, "First Love Memories".

"I must say, this "manga" is rather interesting." Claimed the Caster Servant Gilgamesh.

Rias simply smiled, adjusting her glasses. "I'm glad you like it. To be honest, I'm kind of shocked you do, though." She admitted.

"Like is an understatement, Devil Princess." He corrected. "The interactions between this Rei Hoshino character and the object of her affection, that being Kakeru, is rather wholesome and heartwarming. And her rivalry with this other girl is rather addicting to watch."

'Just wait until he gets to volume 15.' Rias smiled knowingly, only to hear running liquid near her. She looked over and saw Tohru refilling her tea. "Thank you, Tohru."

"You're welcome." She smiled, walking over towards the King of Heroes. "Would you like a refill?"

"Indeed." He said. He took a minute to drink his tea, closing his book.

Asia soon stepped into the living room, a plastic basin and towel in her hands.

"Ah, if it isn't the Pure Bishop. Tell me, how does our devil big fair?" Asked Gilgamesh.

"He's still sleeping. His temperature's gone down, so that's good. Last night's attack must've really worn him out. Thankfully he didn't have any actual injuries. But whatever he did last night really wore him out." She explained. "On the plus side, his magical energy is back to normal levels now. He even managed to defeat Caster from what Issei told us!"

"Not a difficult feat, I assure you." Gilgamesh mumbled as he sipped. "Still, the fact he was able to consume as much raw magical energy as he did, I'm more surprised he's alive at all." He admitted.

"Must have learned that technique from Starvlador." Rias surmised.

"Starvlador?" Tohru looked confused.

"It's the Dragon that resides within the Sacred Gear on his right arm."

Tohru's eyes widened from shock upon this revelation. "THERE'S A DRAGON IN HIS ARM?! HE'S POSSESSED BY A DRAGON?!" She then began reflecting. 'Is that what that other voice I was hearing when we first met? Was that Starvlador? Wait, I've heard that name somewhere before. I think my Father and some of the others have mentioned it before. Something about being one of the Primordial Dragons to first exist. Something about being able to rival Gods themselves.' Suddenly, everything for the Chaos Dragon Maid clicked. "THAT'S IT!!!" She yelled.

"W-What is it?" Asked Rias.

Tohru smiled like a lovesick fool of a woman. "It makes sense why we were destined to meet and fall madly in love with each other now!! We're both children of powerful Dragons!! Fate brought us together!! We're tied by the red string of fate!!" She declared happily.

Asia and Rias were petrified by shock and dumbfoundedness from hearing such a revelation. "Somehow that just doesn't sit right with me." They muttered in unison.

Gilgamesh simply boomed in laughter. "My goodness, that's ever a conclusion if I ever heard one!" He admitted, his head slamming into the table as he laughed, failing to contain it. "Dragon Maid, you should go ask this Starvlador for (Y/N)'s hand in marriage. If you gain his favor, you'll make headway for the top wife/lover position."

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